Eric Proulx's (ericproulx) Blog

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A few years ago, an investor and author named Al Thomas wrote a book for stock market and mutual fund investors with the tongue-in-cheek title, “If It Doesn’t Go Up, Don’t Buy It!”It would be nice if you could have a time machine so you could see into the future, and only buy properties that went...
One of the most frustrating aspects of boning up on how to buy a home – especially for the first-time homebuyer – is the lack of clear information. Articles all over the Internet claim that the homebuyer should “shop around for the best mortgage.” If this is your first time trying to obtain a mor...
If you thought keeping on top of your mortgage was difficult enough already, just wait until it is sold and a new company is demanding loan payments from you ... Is it Normal for My Mortgage Loan to be Sold? You were careful and even meticulous about shopping for a home loan - and screening mortg...
It’s so easy to think that the home you’re contemplating purchasing is the one you will live in for the rest of your life. As we all know, however, times change, tastes change and, yes, people change. Families may shrink or grow. Jobs may be relocated. Neighborhoods evolve and may no longer be th...
Life is tough when your credit score stinks. With the national economic mess of the past few years, millions of Americans can attest to that very real fact. Whether it was a foreclosure, short sale, deed-in-lieu of foreclosure, a job loss or just plain irresponsibility, there are some steps you c...
Whether you are considering selling, refinancing or tapping into your home equity, it is essential to know how much your home is worth. Calculating home value has never been more difficult, so where do you start, and how do you know if this is the right time to sell or refinance? The Challenges o...
Well it's safe to say that I can admit defeat. Last week, I got a chance to hang out with Kerrie and Bob and needless to say, Kerrie's passion got the best of me. If you have a chance to watch the episode, feel free to check it out here. The idea behind these hangouts is to have fun and educatio...
I have recently been enlightened that 25 year olds are the entitled owners of the social media job sector. Let’s face it. I was PRESENT at the birth of social media. In a way, I’m like the God of social media. Clearly Kerrie missed the boat and is just a poser. Here are my reasons why she’s just ...
The process of buying a home is a bit like the beginnings of a new relationship: scary and exciting with a whole lot of optimism thrown in. Thankfully, there are steps to take that should make the process of purchasing a home go quite smoothly. At the bottom of the page you’ll find a handy checkl...
What’s the sexiest part about a house? Is it the yard? The kitchen? It’s a tough call, and really comes down to personal opinion. Personally, I believe bathrooms are the most attractive part of a house. Clear glass shower windows, bath tubs the size of Olympic swimming pools, televisions in the m...

Eric Proulx

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