Geat information and analysis. Rick D. Misitano, Senior Paralegal of the Law Offices of James M. Bosco & Associates has made excellent points concerning the need for an original note. Borrower can demand authentication of a copy of the note through RESPA and TILA. Use of a Qualified Written Requ...
Valencia, Santa Clarita, Los Angeles Region and Active Rain Real Estate Professionals do you have clients that are facing mortgage defaults, short sales, foreclosures, or mounting credit card debt, and you need someone to speak with before speaking with them? Are your client being bombarded by ma...
The solution to the current and prospective ongoing foreclosure crisis and failure of the banks to effectively modify loans lies, quite simply, in an ability of the Bankruptcy Courts to do the following with respect to home mortgages when an individual or couple files for relief under Chapter 13...
A well reasoned recent bankruptcy decision, following the letter of law, has held that wholly undersecured second or third lien creditors will be added to the total amount of unsecured debt, such that the total amount allowable of $336,900 would be exceeded and therefore the cases must be dismiss...
MSNBC is reporting that Banks are not modifying mortgages and therefore not assisting homeowners who need assistance. Allowing Bankruptcy Court judges to modify loans secured by a debtor's principle residence s the only fair and equitable way to instill stability into the marketplace. Studies are...
Listening to the broadcasters on some of the Business Networks, from Squawk Box (U.S. and Europe) to Fox Business, it is clear that the economic crisis facing California and its residents is either completely misunderstood or being ignored. Statistically, if California were a separate country (wh...
As I see it, with the possible Bankruptcy filng by CIT Group the commercial lending market is going to freeze up even tighter. CIT had 17% of the $14 Trillion commercial lending market, and over 1 Million small business borrowers. Only BofA, WFB, and Chase will remain in the domestic market. G...
Since about 1978 we have been running an economy on the back of the consumer. During the last 30 years, real income has declined, as adjusted for inflation. The difference between real income adjusted for inflation and spending has been filled by credit. Credit was moved from a subjective deci...
Loan Modification companies are springing up faster than weeds in a summer meadow! Many are merely out to capitalize on the despair of others; similar to the lenders who dealt out mortgages to home owners looking to bridge the gap between wanting and affording. The loan modification companies' ...