John Patton's Evaluation Blog

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Real Estate Appraiser - Clear Valuation - CERT RES RD4173 AMC MC242
John is the President of Clear Valuation, Inc, ( an Appraisal Managment Company located in West Palm Beach, FL. Clear Valuation specializes in evaluation reports, which are completed by local licensed appraisers and are USPAP compliant.
Florida House Bill 943 - Florida Alimony   March 31, 2015, the Civil Justice Committee and a few Co-Sponsors finally put some definition in the rules of Alimony in Florida Judicial System in Florida House Bill 943.     Spells out the calculation for alimony pendente lite Determination of presumpt...
Fannie and Freddie data collection Under direction of FHFA, Freddie Mac and Freddie Mac (the GSEs) have developed the Uniform Mortgage Data Program (UMDP) to enhance the accuracy and quality of loan data delivered to each GSE.  The Uniform Appraisal Dataset (UAD) is a key component of the UMDP wh...
  Part One:  History of Fannie Mae From a historical standpoint of Fannie Mae as a Government-Sponsored Enterprise (GSE), we need to reflect back to the Great Depression and the U.S. government’s initial responses to the housing and mortgage crisis of the 1930s.  Although the Federal Reserve was ...
As government regulations increase from Dodd-Frank, ECOA, Inter-agency Guidelines, and GSE Reform from Fannie and Freddie Mac, more and more scrutiny is placed on the lender to provide a credible value on their collateral. Knowing which product can be challenging for most compliance officers. Let...

John Patton

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