Similar to what the Marine slogan says..."I only want a few good home buyers" for Windermere. Last week someone asked me how many home buyers I was working and then proceeded to tell me that they are working 25 home buyers...Is that really something to brag about? Not in my book, because it is s
OK, I do admit...I have checked dog poop before...with a stick. I have also heard about DNA testing to confirm the breed of dog. But checking the dog pooh DNA to see who left a pile in the elevator of an downtown Orlando luxury condominium is a new one for me. I am talking about The VUE on Lake
My Windermere Home Buyer Client will never see me sweat...even if I am sweating. Windermere Home Buyers hire me to solve their problem, not create more stress. Lets face it...if you are doing a good job for the buyer and trying to get the most you can for them, there will always be some level of