Gold has continued it run to new nominal highs touching $1,300 per ounce over the last few days. I wrote a chart a few weeks back when we were around the $1,270 mark per ounce. Check that blog with this link. At the time it looked like a chart breakout and this one has moved up like I thought.
Leslie has a great blog post with the current landscape we are looking at when it comes to data on listings and home sales. The battle rages on. MikeOk, I'm not calling anyone specific stupid, but the real estate data providers are changing the real estate business and it's time to pay attenti
Wow gold continues to ramp here as I heard on CNBC all the reasons gold will continue to be strong. One of the main reasons cited was that central banks have stopped selling and are now buying. Is this a bubble? I really don't think so and the charts look wonderful.
Here is a great post from Judi that explains that by using advanced image search in Google allows you to find images you can use in your blogs without concerns of copyright violations. Very important to follow the steps below. Mike CantwellUsing Google Images in Your Blog. Not all images that
Great Blog from a fellow rainmaker in Palm Beach Gardens, FL Thanks Steve for pointing out these great reasons now is the time to buy.Five Reasons to Buy a Home Now in Palm Beach County At a recent RAPB (Realtor Association of Palm Beaches) session which was headlined by the Palm Beach County P
I am not shocked that gold continues to make new highs. As we print like mad new US dollars and our currency hits a 4 year low against the yen, gold just keeps on trucking higher. I also wasn't surprised this weekend when I read that Hedge Fund stars John Paulson and George Soros are now accumu
Looking at the following chart, you will see a great 60 year cycle. If this holds true from this point forwrd, we are looking at higher rates from this point forward. Not that this is a surprise given how low we are now. This chart though, maybe a tool to show those who don't understand where