**Reblog**Wouldn't you like to be the person that makes a difference in someone elses life today? It's really very easy. All it takes is a kind word or a gester. Hold the door open for someone. Let someone in to your lane of traffic. Just smile as you walk by a stranger. It doesn't take much.  **...
**Reblog**We all have the opportunity to learn from our experiences,  however not everyone takes advantage of those "gifts", or they don't view it as a gift. Some will walk away defeated. I believe that everything happens for a reason. Figure out what that is and accept it and move FORWARD. Don't...
**Reblog*Sometimes I read a post and the message really resonates with me. This is one of those posts. When I make a decision I don't often think of the consequences, generally because I'm not very patient and I make very quick decisions.I should probably take more time to think through to the co...
Motivational Monday: Source of Happiness "The greatest source of happiness is the ability to be grateful at all times." -Zig ZiglarWhen we focus on the positive in the world around us, we feel happy and hopeful. A good way to generate that positive vibe is to have an attitude of gratitude.I belie...
Things To Do in Parker, CO: PACE Center Patio Party Throughout the Summer months, the Parker Arts, Culture & Events (PACE) Center hosts monthly patio parties. What is a patio party and when are they? I'm glad you asked! A patio party is a FREE concert on the patio at the PACE Center. (Makes sense...
Serendipity Sunday: The Renaissance Festival 2016Last Sunday we visited The Renaissance Festival for the first time. We've lived here since 1991 and this is the first time we went! The only reason we went was because I won 2 tickets! The festival opens at 10am and closes at 6:30pm. Well, I wasn't...
Pick Me! I'll Volunteer!I'm one of those people who raises their hand for EVERYTHING! Need someone to roll breakfast burritoes for local first responders? I'll do it! Need someone to serve lunch at the Senior Center? My pleasure! Need someone to make phone calls about the upcoming lunch? Where's ...
Does Your Blog Engage the Public? Many of the posts I wrote as a beginning blogger were written for other ActiveRain members. Folks read them and commented, but will anyone (besides me) ever look at the again?? Not likely.I started blogging in 2009. It wasn't until 2011 that I started realizing t...
**Reblog**Looking for some great ideas to help you get more listings?? Of course you are, who isn't?? I found at least ONE really awesome idea that I am going to implement as soon as possible. Thanks Debbie Reynolds ! You are a marketing Rockstar!  Yesterday, SmartZip sponsored a crowd-sourced Ac...
Motivational Monday: Keep it Simple Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. -Arthur Ashe The idea of keeping it simple is becoming a reoccuring theme in my life these days. I guess that's why I felt moved by this quote.One doesn't need to start at the beginning of the year with a...

Donna Foerster

Metro Denver Real Estate Assistant
smartphone(720) 530-5554
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