Realtors across the country have found a new way to increase their health and begin earning a second income. All they're doing is drinking Monavie. Which consists of 19 exotic fruits including the Acai berry. The number one super food as discussed on the Oprahshow and seen in People magazine. I ...
After 11 years of practice and doing what all the pros tell you, I have finally found the way to gain more referrals and keeping our name at "TOP OF MIND" with clients.I present them with two bottles of Monavie at closing with a lot of literature about the product and some amazing results others ...
As Realtors our diets consist of fast food eaten while driving, increased stress levels, lack of sleep, little or no exercise. All things that increase free radicals in our bodies. Most scientists now believe that free radicals are casual factors in nearly every known disease, from heart disease ...
Join the 1000's of Realtors that have gotten involved with the Monavie movement. Not only will you feel better, you'll look better. Plus it's a great opportunity to earn a residual second income. It won't interfere with your Real Estate business or your free time. Once you start drinking Monavie...
As a Monavie distributor I have begun giving clients two bottles of Monavie as a closing gift. It allows me to discuss the benefits of the Acai Berry and Monavie. Once clients start drinking the juice they call to share their results, which gives us a follow up on how their move has gone and any ...
Realtors across the country are joining Monavie and sharing this great wellness drink with friends, family, associates and clients. Even giving it away as closing gifts. By drinking 2 ounces twice a day it gives you all the antioxidants your body needs to combat free radicals and reduce aging as ...
In St. Louis, Mo over 100 Realtors have started drinking and sharing Monavie. Monavie contains 19 exotic fruits with 1/3 being the Acai berry. The Acai berry has been featured 3 times on the Oprah Show. Grown in the brazillian rain forest it has been described as the number one super food by Dr. ...
On May 16, 2007 I signed on as a Mona-vie distributor. I spent $39.00, ordered some juice and went on auto ship. Two months later I'm generating a little over $100.00 per week, by just sharing the juice with family and friends. My health has greatly improved, no longer am I bothered by arthritic ...
No I'm not making 500k a year but I know some people who are generating in excess of $5,000 grand a week. Have you heard Oprah talk about the Acai berry grown in the Amazon rain forest? This small-little berry offers so many health benefits it's unbelievable. My broker bought me this info a littl...
You know each one of us have been receiving leads from leadstreet and have done a few deals from the program. But when I tried to change my email drip campaign letters, it wouldn't let me edit. When I go through the information it tells me in order to edit I need to purchase a accelerator web sit...