Have you ever felt "insulted" by a low offer on your property? I recently presented two low offers. The first was $50,000 for a $100,000 townhouse, the other offer was $265,000 on a $600,000 parcel of land. The land owner countered that offer at a higher price. But the Seller of the town...
Home Buyers! You fully expect to pay a down payment and closing costs, but that money is not due "up front". Brace yourself - there will be fees and charges that you must pay at the time the service is rendered. These include everything from the Earnest Money Deposit, to Inspection costs,...
Smoke Detectors! These life-saving devices are critically important. If you have more than one smoke detector (and you should, unless you live in a one-room house), the Smoke Detectors should be the same brand and the same age! Home Inspector Jay Markanich says, "If you go to repl...
Modular Home? Manufactured House? Trailer? Mobile Home? What's the difference? Was it put together under a roof, or out in a yard? Is the quality as good as a house that is built on-site by a Contractor? John DL Arendsen, Real Estate Broker and Contractor, answers all of these ...
The Garage is everything to many Home Buyers. Yet, many Sellers think of it only as a storage room, a place to stack the Christmas decorations and the boxes and the riding lawn mower and all of their junk. Home Stager Kathy Streib explains why the Garage is so important, and why you...
Margaret Rome offers yet another way to Tag and Search your ActiveRain Blogs. Margaret uses an iPad; this is the Tag Search that works for her! Many ActiveRainers have experienced frustration after the recent updates/changes to the ActiveRain format. What happened to the Drop Down Me...
Thanks to Sharon Tara for revealing, "How to bring back the TAGS Drop Down Menu". The many comments on my own blog about Tags reveal Member Frustration with the "missing drop down menu" after the recent ActiveRain updates/changes. But it seems that the drop down was always there... y...
New Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) regulations take effect January 18, 2014. These rules come in the wake of the Federal Government's reaction to the mortgage crisis/housing crash of recent years. Mortgage Loan Originator George Souto explains that nothing is really d...