Great advice here! Don't just look at the interest rate. Look at the total cost of the loan before choosing a lender. Be sure to shop around for not only the best rate, but also best value as well. Borrowers Need To Beware Of Costs Associated With Interest Rates. Sunday I posted a blog titled "Wh
The first step to buying a home in Orange County is finding out how much money you will need to put down on a home, but the reality is that the down payment that you need to pay is different that the next home buyer. To help answer “How much Do I Need To Put Down On A House?” we’ve compiled the b
The first step to buying a home in Orange County is finding out how much money you will need to put down on a home, but the reality is that the down payment that you need to pay is different that the next home buyer. To help answer “How much Do I Need To Put Down On A House?” we’ve compiled the b
One of the most complicated things that home buyers in Orange County have to deal with is coming up for the money to make a down payment on a home. Not everyone saves money like they should, so coming up with a down payment can seem difficult, but it’s not impossible. Here are some ways clients h
“Do I Qualify for a Mortgage Loan?” – Flowchart Am I Ready to Buy a House? “Am I Ready to Buy a House?” – Flowchart
Congratulations on wanting to buy a home! The first place you should start the home buying process is by consulting with your lender to get pre-approved for a mortgage. Once you have a clear idea of the home that you can afford the next step will be for you to hire an Orange County Realtor to hel
“Should I get pre-approved for a mortgage before looking at homes?” Getting pre-approved for a mortgage will give you a clear idea of the home that you can afford and a 60 to 90 day window to conduct your home search. How Long Does Pre-Approval Take? Getting pre-approved for a mortgage typicall
With Inventory tight right now in the Orange County Real Estate market many buyers are struggling with finding homes, but the reality is that even though inventory might be low right now, that doesn’t mean that there are not homes to buy, especially if you know where to look. Expired Listings T
Are you planning on buying a home this year? The key to success with buying a home in Orange County starts before you even start looking for a home, it starts when you get pre-approved for a mortgage loan. Why Get Pre-Approved? A pre-approval gives you an idea of the home that you can afford, a
Even if you love your home and have not thought about buying a second one, you may reconsider after learning about the tax breaks available to those who own a second home. Many politicians and celebrities use their ownership of several homes to ease their tax burden and so can you! Buying real es