There is nothing like a quiet sunny afternoon, sitting with a fishing pole and enjoying the beauty of a lake, pond, stream or brook. When my children were youonger, we used to pack a picnic lunch and go fishing. They each had their own fishing pole or rod, and after putting on sunscreen, we all
If you were, you must have attended the Buffini Success Seminar! It was held at the Downtown Marriott by the Connecticut Convention Center. It was a morning session, free to all. Brian offered many good statistics to show our clients, about the market and where we are going. With his wit and h
Connecticut Agents & Bankers! This is the road to take to attend the Buffini Turning Point in Providence on May 9th! Get yourself & your business on the right road! Looking forward to meeting you in Providence! To regeister for this e
We received a light amount of snow, last night. They had forecasted more, and I am happy to report that they were incorrect! On my way back, from an early morning meeting, I drove past this area of Case Mountain, in Manchester, Ct. When I was a child, my parents came to this very spot, to tak