South Austin Real Estate Blog - Sky Realty

Real Estate Agent - Sky Realty South Austin
Real Estate Agent, SKY REALTY AUSTIN, South Austin Homes, HUD Homes, Real Estate Buyers Agent, Sellers Agent, Austin, Texas, South Austin, Circle C, Onion Creek, Dripping Springs,
Austin Energy Audit Program starts June 1st, are you ready? Here it comes, ready or not.  The Austin Energy Audit program.  It will apply to all homes serviced by the Austin Utilities Company.  The short and sweet of it is.. if your home is 10 years old or older, you must supply the buyer with an...
Just finished watching the special announcement and broadcast about the Swine Flu outbreak, locally we haven't had any reported, but down the road in Schertz, there are several cases with one death, a visiting family from Mexico had a child come down ill and unfortunately did not survive.  Our he...
A true Texan in the making! Yesterday I had the opportunity to take my 4yr old -almost 5 yr old  (in 2 weeks) grandson (Bryce) to daycare.  Usually his dad takes him but dad had an early morning appointment so I stepped up and volunteered. After all it would give me a chance to spend a few extra ...
Lemonade Day is May 3rd Austin is joining many other communities on May 3, 2009 in featuring Lemonade Day, its going to be a community wide event with children learning how business works first hand.  The kids will setup and sell Lemonade and hopefully earn a profit. All in a mini-business settin...
What are the factors that determine if a house is marked SOLD or EXPIRED?Every homeowner that puts their house on the market to sell expects to see a SOLD sign soon.   There are hopes and dreams and plans that depend on the SOLD sign.  Moving to a new location.  A new job.  Closer to the kids or ...
Its not too late to take advantage of getting that $8,000 Tax Credit for First Time Homebuyers This Year!   Did you know that you can file an amended return and claim that money anytime this year.  You do not have to wait until you file your 2009 taxes to claim the Tax Credit.Per the IRS Website....
Buying a LISTING Reading today about overpricing listings on another blog, I knew I would never take that listing.  I  have had my fill of overpriced listings to feed someones ego, I go to listing presentations with my eyes wide open.  I bring a CMA that is fresh and as objective and true to the ...
Eeyore's Birthday Party — April 25 46th Annual Birthday Party Saturday, April 25, 2009  PEASE PARK.  note: no parking.  ride bus or bike or walk.11:00 a.m. until dark. Children's Area from 11:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.Austin TX USA LIVE MUSIC from 12 noon to 7 p.m.  FREE ADMISSION. Please wear a cos...
> Yesterfest   April 25th  Bastrop Texas  Storytelling, snake handlers, petting zoo, crafts, music and food vendors. Downtown Bastrop. (512) 321-2557, ext. 15, this is a festival.  Yesterfest.  Celebrating Bastrop Texas.   177 Years!  This year there is expected to be 35 gu...
It's a clean slate, a new day, a new beginning.   All those and more are the reasons I love MONDAYS.I know that Monday typically has a bad rap...  blue Monday, they are dreaded, uhhggs, crawling out of bed, fraught with worry of what needs to be done and has to be done and didn't get done last we...

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