Mobile Real Estate Websites, has nothing to do with driving to appointments or showing homes. The facts are: 2.5 % of ALL Internet Traffic and 12.5% of the 400% increase in Internet usage last year was because of the increased use of "Smartphones". Google projects that in the next 5 years a 20
Real Estate License Law varies from state to state. That is the first thing you should know as a home buyer or seller. So dear ole dad living in Florida quoting Florida Real Estate how-to's won't hold much water in Michigan and vice verse. When you relocate you should know that most things you k
Real Estate Myth or Fact, have you ever wondered how a myths gets started? I have heard some dousy's over the years. Some make me laugh while make me want to scream no! Where did you hear that? Myths may be hard to break but facts are facts. I especially like the one where every seller has to r
The center of Influence for buyers and sellers can come from some very unexpected places. I just wrote a post about knowing who the decision maker is when representing buyers and sellers. The center of influence can be co-works that share what they think they know. It could be a evening or afte
Fewer Homes for Sale More Buyer Competition, you may have heard the number of homes listed for sale in West Michigan in down. That is a true statement. Also true is, those homes with the least repairs the show well are selling first. Also true is, mortgage rates are not going back down, infac
Mortgage Date Looming for PMI to stay attached for the life of your home loan! Many home buyers are unaware of the importance of having their mortgage loan locked with a purchase agreement before the End of March! Little shifts in mortgage lending rules have been happening and PMI or better known
Who's the Decision Maker,can be one of those bombshell questions. Real Estate selling and buying requires us, as Realtor's to deal with the decision makers. You could be talking to the decision maker upon first contact, or you could be discussing your representation with someone other than the
Home Buyer Responsibilities isn't something we talk about much. If you represent home buyers you have counseled these buyers on the basic issues of getting their offers accepted. Being Pre-qualified, having a lender make sure you can get a mortgage and knowing for how much! Having a letter from y