According to the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department approximately 18,000 Grey whales will pass by in the 4 weeks from mid-March through mid-April in their yearly 10,000 mile migration from the Baja Lagoons of Mexico to their summer feeding grounds in the Bering Sea. The main body of whales is...
It has never been more important for each and everyone of us to communicate to our elected officials about issues, priorities, programs, legislation, budget, and appointments. If you live in Port Orford I have provided the names, addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, and email addresses of y...
It has never been more important for each and everyone of us to communicate to our elected officials about issues, priorities, programs, legislation, budget, and appointments. If you live in Port Orford I have provided the names, addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, and email addresses of y...
The misadventures of Nana Jan, Nana Jan was inspired by her cooking muse and was carefully crafting a gourmet burger from some locally grown organic beef. She added garlic, basil, and goat cheese to the beef and methodically worked the ingredients until they were evenly blended. She carefully pre...
Suppose we segregate the MBS and CDO assets currently held by banks into 3 separate tranches: Assets backed by Prime Mortgages; Assets backed by a blend of Prime and Sub-prime Mortgages; and Assets backed by Sub-prime and Alt-A Mortgages. Assets backed by Prime Mortgages were properly rated as AA...
We had a spectacularly weatherful day here in Port Orford. Mother Nature appeared to be conflicted by Winter and Spring atmospherics. Consequently, we received intermittent rain, hail, and blue skies with beautiful long arching rainbows, loud surf, and greening pastures. The air was clean and enl...
Historically huge amounts of public funds measured in trillions of dollars are being allocated to private corporations who are then using the taxpayers money for protecting and preserving the status quo, rewarding wrong doers, and buying influence with politicians in office. Here is a quick revie...
Many Baby Boomers will not be buying another home anytime soon according to the Center for Economic Policy and Research report “The Wealth of the Baby Boom Cohorts after the Collapse of the Housing Bubble” dated February 2009 and written by David Rosnick and Dean Baker. For precision, the Boomer ...
The Financial Times Lex column on the: US Economy, dated 17 March 09, stated that the outlook for consumers and for any increase in consumer spending is pitch black and in need of serious deleveraging. According to the Federal Reserve data on the 4th quarter ’08, the consumer’s household balance ...
Treasury Secretary Geithner is proposing the use public funds to provide financing and guarantees to private investors (hedge funds) to buy mortgage backed Toxic Assets. The problem is how to set a fair market price for these assets. The Banks are lobbying for relief from mark-to-market accountin...