Look at Living in Canada’s handy, updated website where you can review cities across Canada. You’ll find pros/cons, salaries and lifestyle information. Check out Edmonton HERE
Alberta Oil Sands Investment Real Estate News®Glenn Simon Inc., Suite 1217, 5328 Calgary Trail NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Tel 1-888-780-5940 Fax 1-888-276-4517 www.glennsimoninc.com email: info@glennsimoninc.com September 16th., 2013Volume 15, Issue 4Dear Friends and Partners,Sunday I woke
New mortality study highlights risks of increasing life expectancyTORONTO, Aug. 6, 2013 /CNW/ - "It's official -- not only are Canadians getting older, we're also living longer. Last week, the Canadian Institute of Actuaries (CIA) released a draft set of updated mortality tables, used by actuarie
Flights to Iceland will start departing from Edmonton International Airport next March, city and airport officials announced on Tuesday.Icelandair will operate the non-stop flights on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.Helgi Már Björnvinsson, senior vice-president of marketing and sales,
Alberta Oil Sands Investment Real Estate News® Glenn Simon Inc., Suite 1217, 5328 Calgary Trail NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Tel 1-888-780-5940 Fax 1-888-276-4517 www.glennsimoninc.com email: info@glennsimoninc.com September 1st., 2013 Volume 15, Issue 3 Dear Friends and Partners, Kri
My acquaintance is a boilermaker. Something I have vaguely heard of which I always associated with some steampunk thing. Actually he is in a high demand and his salary reflects it. He's in Alberta for a reason. Got a skilled trade? Head to Calgary, Edmonton or Saskatoon – that’s where the sa
Why do comments always end in a fight on the internet? Is it the anonymity that brings out the darkness in people. This article is Seven Reasons to Love Living in Canada - "A study published yesterday by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) found that “Canada pe
"How much does it take to be wealthy? Would others consider you wealthy? That would depend on where in the world you live, reveals a new poll carried out by the world's largest independent financial advisory organisation. The deVere Group survey finds that in Hong Kong the average level of weal
Alberta Oil Sands Investment Real Estate News®Glenn Simon Inc., Suite 1217, 5328 Calgary Trail NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Tel 1-888-780-5940 Fax 1-888-276-4517 www.glennsimoninc.com email: info@glennsimoninc.com August 15th., 2013Volume 15, Issue 2Dear Friends and Partners,With CMHC's news
"Who in their right mind would invest in something that loses money every month? The answer just might be future Toronto condominium buyers.Toronto is the largest condominium market in North American with 18,000 suites selling annually over the past five years, according to research firm Urbanati