For a short sale property it means the bank has to agree to let the homeowner off the hook for the mortgage amount owed that is less than the purchase price offered. Example: Mortgage Amount $250,000Current Home Value $150,000Bank Needs to Forgive the $100,000 Difference, PLUS cover the add
REAL ESTATE UPDATE FOR BROWARD COUNTY & PALM BEACH COUNTYFebruary 1, 2009 to February 29, 2009 Broward County includes well known cities of Coconut Creek, Coral Springs, Deerfield Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Highland Beach, Hillsboro, Lighthouse Point, Parkland, Plantation, Sunrise, Tamarac and Westo
I received this from one of my trusted lenders the other day and found it valuable information so I am reposting it here for your information.... REVERSE MORTGAGES GET BETTERSponsored by Mary Beth Franklinprovided by Allen Robinson, First Trust Mortgage New rules allow seniors to borrow more and
I live in South Florida but I am promoting a FABULOUS restaurant in Jacksonville (North Florida)! Food and service like this must not go unknown!! The Millhouse at 1341 Airport Rd in Jacksonville, Florida This is the link to their menu I flew