When you are looking for homeowner's insurance, are you more concerned with the cost of the policy or the care and service you will receive from your insurance agent?When one of my clients suffers a loss to their property they know that I will be there for them. I can assist them with whatever st...
One of my clients recently returned from Finland, where homes are built to last for several hundred years. In the United States we base our average life of a structure on approximately sixty years. Would homeowner's insurance rates be different here if our homes were intended to last for centurie...
I have been posting to my blog and my website blog for a little over a month now. The results are great and people can find me on the internet. But when I was reading Christine Ethridge's post it made me think about article writing. Connie Ragen Green does some marketing for me, and when she wrot...
People always want to know how to save money on their homeowner's insurance. I have put together some tips on that here. For the complete report go to Insurance Santa Clarita.Before you purchase a home, look closely at the building materials, quality of construction and age of the home.Look at yo...
Saturday I went down to the monthly Rotary meeting held for our district. On the way back I joined fellow Rotarians Ed Bolden, Wayne Archie, Phil Delavan, Chris Ball, Ken Petersen, Connie Ragen Green, and Santa Clarita Rotary President David Goldberg at the Val Verde offices of the Samuel Dixon F...
Farmer's Insurance was started by two men with connections to the rural community. These men were John C. Tyler and Thomas E. Leavey. They believed that farmers should receive preferred rates on their auto insurance because they were less likely to be involved in an accident.The same might be sai...
One of my clients asked me why her homeowner's insurance cost so much less in Santa Clarita than it did previously when she lived in the San Fernando valley. Her home there was similar in square footage, but had been built in 1965. The home she purchased last year in Saugus is new. She thought th...
The annual 4th of July parade, held in the Newhall section of Santa Clarita, was even more elaborate this year than in year's past. It started out with the Rotary Club's pancake breakfast. This year the Rotarian's had a great idea: go back to offering bluberry pancakes as well as the traditional ...
Santa Clarita auto insurance rates are fairly reasonable, compared with prices in other sections of Los Angeles county. The trend I am seeing is for people to raise their deductibles on their car insurance policies in order to save some money on the premiums.It is best to discuss this with your i...
Fire insurance in Santa Clarita costs less than the national average. One thing that determines the cost of your insurance is the distance of your home from the fire department. It makes sense if you think about it: the closer your home is to the fire station, the faster they will be able to get ...