Okay Peachtree City & AR, I apologize because it has been a minute since I've posted an article. But honestly I have been swamped with assisting first time home buyers get their deals closed by the deadline which was April 30th. After I finally got a chance to take a breather I had to stop and ...
Hey folks Peachtree City, Georgia is facing a projected shortfall of $757,128 for fiscal year 2010-2011 and a projected $621,674 shortfall in the current year's budget. Peachtree City Council is looking at making some tough decisions. Officials are not only contemplating using reserve funds but...
Hey Peachtree City and AR.....did you watch 60 Minutes? Well maybe you aren't an Andy Rooney loyalist but just in case you missed it, there was an interesting interview by Leslie Stahl on a fuel cell start up company called "Bloom Energy." In fact the San Jose-based company is having a launch p...
Mediterranean Villa....Exquisite Entertainment Masterpiece! European Ranch Offered at $1,500,000 4 Bedrooms - 4.5 Baths Master Retreat w/European Bath Executive Office w/access to terrace 2 Living Areas Professional Exercise Studio Banquet-Style ...
Hey Peachtree City & AR! After listening to the President's State of the Union address, I sat down and pondered about the actual state of the nation's housing situation....or at least how I saw things from my porch. Come on folks, is it just me or are there a number of other like-minded individ...
Hey Peachtree City & AR....welcome to 2010! Sounds kinda funny saying 2010 but anyway there are some major changes already on the horizon and I thought I'd continue to feature them on my blog. Some of these changes have been the result of a downturn in our economy and their direct correlation t...
Happy New Year Peachtree City & AR! As we welcomed in the official beginning of the new millennium and a new decade the government also introduced some sweeping new regulatory reform changes that will pose a significant impact on the mortgage industry and everyone in the real estate profession. ...
Hey Peachtree City have you taken the opportunity to open your tax bill yet! Well if you haven't you are probably one of those homeowners that will be filing late as typically taxes in Fayette County are due on November 15th. By the way, if you plan on writing off those taxes for 2009, I hope t...
Hello again Peachtree City & AR! You probably didn't know this but I have been a proponent for gaining the support from our elected officials related to getting an extension of the 1st Time Home-Buyers program. My efforts went so far as to send personal letters to both Senators Saxby Cha...
Hey Peachtree City...The House just passed the bill introduced by Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) to extend the $8,000 First-Time Home Buyers credit to Members of the Armed Forces and certain other Federal employees until November 30, 2010. The Bill passed unanimously and will now go to the Se...