There might be a rain Barrel in my future. I wanted worms for the composting and creating better soil purpose but, those that were offered were the size of yarn or thread and while they probably would do some good-I was thinking of a worm we used to call nightcrawlers. Anyone remember fishing wit
Please come say hi if you see me there! I should be there by 10 today.
HelpRHome Simple answers for complex troubles. Website is simple too.
One of the agents in our office is also a Mortgage Broker in fact many of them are. Kishore keeps me entertained with updates on things like this. He is a resource for many things and we enjoy him most when he is the "good news motivator" His upbeat attitude cheers all of us. His email yesterday
I was considering a move-across country. I had a snow day with my daughter and a long talk with my husband-then I got an offer at home (here in Texas) actually got 2 of them but, one wasn't real (couldn't be trusted). We decided to take the real one and now I am blown away each day by the amazing
I changed the background, the header and some colors. This is a test to see what it looks like. Every now and then an overhaul is in order and so it may be that after I see how it looks I'll start from scratch!
I better start this post with IMHO: A Resolution shouldn't be made just because everyone else is making them! Last year my resolutions actually happened! I made them for personal reasons, gave myself a plan and made them happen. I even held myself accountable and kept track in a diary. Not a book
My youngest daughter asked about the time change yesterday when she realized it's still so dark outside before she goes to school. When does that time change happen anyway? The first Sunday in November-I had to look it up too! So we are close to a brighter school start. It made me think a bit abo
This blog is not to start or fire up a firestorm-just to ask that my friends join me in using a clear head about these issues. I have made a personal decision: from now on if I don't read the issue-I don't comment on it. I admit in the past I have been too quick to react sometimes and that does g
I am appreciating my family especially my husband today. I saw a video clip on YouTube earlier and it was a Valentine's day theme. Why can't we remember our loved ones in September too? I decided to share these thoughts today to not only enjoy the remembering of why my husband is special to me bu