Lake Mary & Orlando's Place for Real Estate Advice, Tips & Fun Facts

Real Estate Broker/Owner - LemonTree Realty
Orlando Real Estate, Lake Mary Real Estate, Central Florida Homes, Real Estate Expert, First Time Home Buyers, Luxury Estates, buying, selling, Longwood Real Estate, Heathrow Real Estate, Baldwin Park Real Estate, Luxury Home Market, Bank owned Real Estate, Bank OWned Properties, REO, Buyers Agent, Bank Owned Homes, REO Properties, Bank Owned Real Estate, Short Sale, Foreclosure Properties, Investment Properties
The dark side of Orlando Foreclosures. While some people see foreclosures and REO properties as a gold mine, others see the damage it causes to many families. This blog isnt about the families that were foreclosed on but the people in the middle, hurt by the deceitful people still out to make a q...
What does a Real Estate expert mean to you? Is it someone that knows all the developments in their area? Someone who knows the ins and outs of the real estate industry and negotiations? Someone who knows whats going on in the community and what makes a community special?   In the Real Estate Indu...
Facts about Bank owned / REO (Real Estate Owned) Properties   There are 572,572 REOs Nationwide 65,240 in the State of Florida alone In seminole county there are 850 properties Bank owned homes in Orange county are a whopping 4,975 That's almost 6,000 amazing deals on properties in Central Florid...
I had a home inspection today with my First Time Home Buyer Tory today, who is a flight attendant with Southwest Airlines. We are utilizing my expertise in Down Payment Assistance to get him $10,000 in DPA from the City of Orlando. We have an offer accepted on a great bank owned property in Orlan...
As and REO agent I have first hand knowledge how the banks work, how they arrive a their price and what it takes to get an offer accepted by them, yet I still get buyers everyday who contact me stating they want to find a house 40-50% under market value. Guess what people most likely isnt going t...
If you love to twitter then check out the coolest iphone/web app for twitter, Hahlo. I downloaded it today and I love the fact that I can keep a small drop down menu on my desktop all day and consistently be updated as to what my tweeps have to say. Hahlo easily allows replies sent to your tweets...
I specialize in working with first time home buyers in the Orlando area and as an REO listing agent. Often times I am given the bank owned properties weeks before they are actually put on the market. This time allows myself and the bank to get the property ready for the market. I only deal with b...
Ask yourself why havent you bought a home and what's holding you back. Maybe I can answer some of those reasons.  1) I pay $1000 a month in rent could I really get a place for less then what I paying in rent? First time home buyers do I have a treat for you. Fantastic deals on new construction to...
You have probably heard about the first time home buyer credit. The old rules were you received $7500 tax credit that needed to be repaid over 15 years on your taxes. To me that's a interest free loan versus a true credit. Well home buyers you asked for it and now we have it. If you are a first ...
Remember that feeling of scoring the winning goal, or Acing that mid-term. Today I had that feeling when I triumphed over the builder in negotiations for my buyers today. My buyers were out this weekend viewing townhomes in Sanford and Lake Mary and told me which development was their favorite an...

Heather the Realtor Orlando, Lake Mary

First Time Home Buyers, Bank Owned Homes
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Contact The Author
Heather Unger's blog is for those looking to gather information on Central Florida's Real Estate Market including areas such as Orlando, Lake Mary, Baldwin Park, Lake Nona, Longwood, Seminole County, Winderemere, Winter Park, Thornton Park & College Park.
In her blogs you will find information on how the current and local market is for all types of buyers and sellers from first time home buyers to the luxury real estate market, where to find the next deal in new construction and bank owned properties (REO) or how to get your home sold quickly. Better yet check out her website
Here you can also find her video blog showing her recent appearances on HGTV's House Hunters and other great real estate videos, plus information on local communities and areas.