
 I Did The Ringing But There Was No Singing     The first day of Debbie Reynolds Ringing and Singing contest, I suggested to a member, that one  of her comments would make a good post. This was her response. 'Hi, Margaret, I'm becoming more interested in blogging. My husband says I get off track ...
What's Under The Carpet ?  Please don 't assume what under that carpet. You might be surprised. I have seen carpeted rooms with wood floors in closets. I have heard it said... that  same wood is in the rest of the room under the carpet. Not necessarily so! When  buyers ask what's under the carpet...
 Sunday's Topic...  Negotiating With Margaret Rome  This has been another wonderfully busy week. There was the Baltimore Blizzard that canceled the RE8 Expo scheduled for this past Monday.  It postponed our Baltimore AR MeetUp which will now take place  with a lunch on Tuesday February 2nd.   Thi...
Meet The Experts  Certified Negotiation Experts     The past two days were spent in a wonderful class led by Alan Dalton.  So glad I made the time to participate. In more than 2 decades of Real Estate and alphabet soup behind my name, I can say this was the best and most useful course ever.It was...
   Have You Thought About A Paper Organizer?    Could you or your clients benefit by engaging  a professional organizer? How much time is wasted searching for information?Are your files  a bit messy? Could you use some help organizing your business papers?How about your home office? Would you tak...
 Inman Connect Live In New York  Last week I talked about being with Seth Dailey for a Mastermind MeetUp.  Today I am watching Inman Connect Live New York.  That's Seth above... second from the left. Way to go. So proud to know this dynamic  Baltimore Realtor®  Look at the next speaker on a panel...
Baltimore MeetUp Lunch February 2nd Good news!We are rescheduling for Tuesday February 2nd at 11:30.We decided to do a lunch at the same place.  The Date: Tuesday February 2ndThe Time: 11:30 AM The Place: G & M  804 N Hammonds Ferry Rd, Linthicum Heights, MD 21090  All are welcome. Will You Be Jo...
 If Maryland, Virginia or DC  Rainers can't make Jay Markanich 's meet up on Wednesday January 27th, or  Lise Howe 's on Thursday January 28th at 4pm you have one more option.Baltimore's MeetUp has been changed to Tuesday February 2nd for lunch! Check my blog and let me know if you will be joinin...
 Baltimore MeetUp Postponed New Snow Date Announced  The Baltimore MeetUp for this evening Monday January 25 has been postponed due to the aftermath of the Baltimore Blizzard. Many streets are still not cleared and there is too much ice to take a chance.  Good news! We are rescheduling for Tuesda...
Live Radio Show The Rome Way  At noon every Sunday I do a live radio show. But has anyone noticed we had a BLIZZARD in Baltimore? The town is shut down. My plan is to go into the station for the noon live radio program.    Sure hope there is someone there to run the show.If you are up and listeni...

Margaret Rome Baltimore 410-530-2400

Sell Your Home With Margaret Rome
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