Gail's Blog

Real Estate Agent - Resource Network, LLC SFR, AHWD, ACRE, SMAR Board Director
I'm not sure what this section does but I'll bite!! :)
If you haven't met Roger Mucci, you're in for a treat.  I decided he would be my 1/19 2nd Blog in the 21 day contest.  He provides a star each week who joins his weight loss group.  He also stared "Two Lies and a Truth" to add to the fun.  For some reason, I missed this week's event  Congratulati...
Times shared and memories made are certainly what the holidays are all about.  Things may come and go but experiences and the times we spend together always remain.  Last nght we watched the town lights being turned on.  It was such a treat to see so many people gathering and making this memory. ...
A shout out to William this morning.  If you haven't seen his photography, it's worth a look.  He says it's dumb luck, as he has taken up photograpy as a hobby.  However, as you can see from his work, if you visit his site and see the picture below, he has talent.  I've always enjoyed his blogs a...
I think the best way to show how much so many mean to us here in "the rain" is for us each week to give a shout out to someone who moves us.  Someone who has consistently and repeatedly provides us with helpful hints, insights, and just plain great information.  Valerie Zinger is one of those age...
FEATURED POST BY MLS/MRIS... HOW COOL IS THIS?? Guest Blog by Gail Harris: Speed Bar Search Saves Time AND Money! My post on MLS?MRIS is live under this link: And, this is the tutorial:
I thought you all might enjoy this reblog.  It's great if you haven't seen it.  I am so moved whenever I think or read something about Steve Jobs.  He was quite something.  Why do the good die so young?  He had so much more to give and leave?  There must have been a reason.  My prayers and heart ...
This is cool.  Thanks so much to DeeDee for putting this together.  How cool is this.  Thanks too to Steve Jobs... I love my IPAD.  I bet Steve Jobs is teaching the angels how to use the IPAD!!  RIP Steve Jobs.  :0) GailiPad Shortcuts for Symbols This may be something all of you iPhone users alre...
I actually live in a resort town where rentals are a mainstay. I do rentals because I turn around and sell my clients a home. All but two of my sales was a result of forming a relationship through a rental. I am now listing rentals and having the time of my life. In an area where rentals are prev...
Love this song... sing your name.  ;) I'ts fun... Gail, gail bo bail, banana fanana fo (foe!) fail, fe fi mo mail, Gail   The name game! :)  Friday Music Series.  Well, if we're gonna play with words . . . Nice job with your entry into the Friday Music Series, CA!  I think you may have won today'...

Gail C. Harris

Reach the BEACH with Gail C. Harris (cell: 703.868
local_phone(410) 257-9251
smartphone(703) 868-4018
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Reach the Beach with Gail