My dear friend, Tish Lloyd, reblogged this yesterday. Oh no... :) Connie wants to challenge us to a 31 day blog in 2011. I'm not sure I have it in me. I started blogging in September 2011 and iin 4 months have earned 100,000 points but more importantly met so many wonderful people here. Peop
This must be it... perhaps? THE BE THANKFUL CHALLENGE. And, my dear friend who I have come to know here at AR thanks to my dear, dear friend, Margaret Rome is the best. These two, if you haven't read their blogs are worth taking a look, you'll be hooked. I AM THANKFUL FOR KAREN AND MARGARET,
I just don't know what to say about this "Kodak Moment"... wow. John's brother'n law and his nephew. Amen, and the looks say it all. Without a doubt this is one of the winners. How could it not be. It just says it all, as John explains, "like father, like son". YIPPEE. :)We've all heard the
Karen, like a handful of friends I've made along the way here, presents her material to us so beautifully. I watched the video she presented by Doug Rawady and even at 4:45 AM he inspired me because Karen took the time to share this information. Branding is so important. Yes, think of the comp
Okay, it took me a few but I think I've got it. Thanks for the site. Wonderful. I love to learn new things. That's how much fun it is here. Instrucitions are easy. Cindy Jones, and agent in Prince William reblogged this and I fou
Where else would we be so lucky to meet so many wonderful people and become acquainted with so many different areas in the country that we might not otherwise have known. Barbara Hensley posted a comment on one of my blogs. And, in kind I visited her site to see what she has been posted. I foun
This is a beautiful picture. I follow James's word of the day, and he posted this picture he took at his last Family Reunion. I'm not such a great picture taker. This one looks like a picture, thought I'd reblog it. :)Although the family reunion a couple of weeks ago taught me I'm the only one
I forgot all about this site but boy is it neat. this is a great site. You type in a zip code and a wealth of information emerges. You can also compare areas by zip codes. It's really quite informative. I had forgotten all about this site. You will find maps, make charts,
Navy Band Christmas Concert Come and enjoy a FREE Christmas concert by the best of the U.S. Navy Band on Sunday, Dec. 5, 3pm, at Mary Harrison Center in Owings. This celebration features music by the Navy Sea Chanters Chorus and the Country Current Country & Bluegrass Band. For FREE advance (
"Losers make promises they often break. Winners make commitments they always keep." Denis Waitley "Procrastination is the fear of success." Denis Waitley "The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence." Denis Waitley "Goals provide th