Region Area Sales Av. Price East 266 $288,863 West 406 $339,358 Central 227 $459,170 North 219 $392,305 Total 1,118 $362,042 ********************************************************************************** I proudly server buyers and sellers in the Toronto Neighbourhoods of: Forest H
Skymark 2 Finch between the 404 and Don Mills Rd. BRIGHT BEDROOM LARGE SUNROOM Dining Room combined with Living Room 1x4 pce bathroom Walk-in closet Ensuite locker Open balcony. 1 parking spot. Across from Seneca College and shopping plaza. Right at the TTC stop Great inve
Housing Market Outlook Housing Starts: 2009: 160,250 2010: 163,350 Resales: 2009: 370,500 2010: 405,500 Housing markets easing: Housing starts:: The downturn in economic activity and in the employment market will lead to housing starts that will vary from 141,000 to 180,000 in 2009 and much the s
Worthwhile Canadian Initiative-Canadian banks are typically leveraged at 18 to 1-compared with U.S. banks at 26 to 1. The legendary editor of The New Republic, Michael Kinsley, once held a "Boring Headline Contest" and decided that the winner was "Worthwhile Canadia
February, 2009 Region Area Sales Av. Price East 246 $282,291 West 410 $337,977 Central 187 $495,450 North 210 $413,330 Total 1056 $367,860 NOTE: Please note these are preliminary figures. Minor adjustments may be required at month's end. *****************************************
New rules enhance the Home Buyer’s Plan program If you’re a first-time home buyer, with the federal Home Buyer’s Plan you may be eligible to withdraw funds from your registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) for a down payment when buying or building a qualifying home. Under the program you can n
Buying a home is a big decision. Once you have decided to make the purchase, you will have to think about the types of homes available and what fits into the amount you will be investing. There are 6 home types to consider. You will have to think about your needs when making the decision. You wil
When thinking about buying a home, you need to think about your needs both now and in the future. Consider the following: Size requirements.How many bedrooms and bathrooms will you need. You will require a space for a home office? Will a single-car or double-car garage work for you? Special featu
The month of January brought in it's new housing start figures. No surprise-there is a major slowdown. 2008 2009 % Single-detached homes 1,835 988 -46
We would all agree the market has cooled down, which means our sellers have to go the extra mile to make sure their home gives a great first impression. Those homes that show well will sell faster and for a better price. A house must be prepared to sell both inside and out. There is a difference