Bank of Canada reduced the overnight rate to 0.25%, therefore Banks are lowering Prime rate to 2.25%. The change will be seen in line of credit lending rates as of April 22nd, and will be reflected in variable rate mortgages as of May 1st, 2009. The Bank of Canada's next scheduled overnight rat
3,681 TRANSACTIONS IN FIRST HALF OF APRIL TORONTO, April 17, 2009 - Greater Toronto REALTORS® reported 3,681 transactions in the first half of April, down seven per cent compared to 3,955 during the same period last year. "In lock-step with the favorable March results, resale housing market cond
The number of homes sold this week in all areas is down but the average price has increased. The average price increase is approximately 2%. April 16, 2009 Region Area Sales Av. Price East 343 $305,933 West 615 $377,547 Central 288 $486,601 North 324 $416,460 Total 1,570 $389,936
This information came across my desk from my Mortgae Specialist Jessica Magno at TD Canada Trust, that I think would interest you all. Housing prices are down, interest rates dropped again this week…is all roses? All great deals have a price; the mortgage lending is tightening for borrowers with
April 9, 2009 Region Area Sales Av. Price East 409 $301,778 West 690 $369,951 Central 329 $478,555 North 374 $398,780 Total 1,802 $380,290 NOTE: Please note these are preliminary figures. Minor adjustments may be required at month's end. **********************************************************
The Green Living Show Starts: April 24, 2009 Ends: April 26, 2009 The Green Living
The Heart of Toronto's Waterfront! Harbourfront Centre's unique 10-acre site, nestled along the shores of Lake Ontario, offers more than year-round programmes in the arts, renowned events and world class performances. It is in an unparalleled location and is an excellent way to spend the day, wi
Spring has Sprung at Casa Loma Casa Loma is Toronto's most prominent historic residence, built from 1911 to 1914. Casa Loma is complete with decorated suites, secret passages, an 800-foot tunnel, towers, stables, and beautiful 5-acre estate gardens. Starts: April 18, 2009 10:30 AM Ends: April 18
Annual Easter "Egg" Stravaganza presented by:Toronto Zoo Children 12 and under, grab your passport at the admission gate and let it lead you to animal exhibits that contain Easter eggs! Watch for sightings of the elusive Easter bunny! Don't forget to get your yummy Hershey treat upon exit (whi
This rise of single-women homeowners is part of a greater social and economic shift that is reshaping Canadian life. Women are tired of waiting for Mr. Right to come along and start their homeownership dream. For the first time in history, women have access to the same resources men have always h