Protect Your Investment Against Mortgage Fraud Many homeowners are unaware of the dangers posed by identity thieves when itcomes to their real estate investment. Unfortunately, real estate titlefraud is on the rise. According to the Canadian Association of AccreditedMortgage Professionals (CAA
July 23, 2009 Region Area Sales Av. Price $ East 472 $331,443 West 732 $385,578 Central 412 $515,318 North 446 $449,290 Total 2,062 $412,890 NOTE: Please note these are preliminary figures. Minor adjustments may be required at month's end. ********************************************************
Toronto's new "311" service was launched today. The new service, available by telephone by dialing direct to 311 or on line at will provide a "one stop" phone number for residents to access City services and report problems. 311 operators are trained to answer thousands of que
A fabulous product to help prevent slips and falls at home in the bathroom is available to homeowners. It is a product from NO-Slip Treatment called "Invisible Bathtub Mat". It is so simple to apply and it lasts for years. Say good bye to those germ-infested, unhealthy, unsanitary, mouldy rubber
Recent Immigrant to Canada? Discover Mortgage Products Designed for You It's a common myth that if you are not a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant, you do not qualify for a mortgage. The good news is that various lenders offer mortgage products specifically tailored to the needs of non-landed
The Bank of Canada announced this morning that it will leave its key interest rate unchanged and restated its commitment to holding this rate steady until mid-2010, conditional on the outlook for inflation. In its statement the Bank declared that “recent indicators point to the start of recovery
The Clean Train Coalition is inviting everyone to join the Human Train for Clean Air event on Saturday, September 26th! The goal of this event is to 'humanize' the corridor and prove to Metrolinx and the politicians that people do live here, that it is not 'industrial' as they have claimed. Our
Strong Sales Increases Continue in August August 2009, Greater Toronto REALTORS® reported 8,035 sales, up 27% per cent from August 2008. The average price for August transactions was $387,921 – up by six per cent compared to the same month last year. “The increase in demand for existing homes h