I wanted to wish all of my American friends and relatives a very Happy Thanksgiving. ********************************************************************************* I proudly server buyers and sellers in the Toronto Neighbourhoods -Toronto Neighbourhood Maps of: Forest Hill, Cedarvale, North
Nov 26, 2009 Region Area Sales Av. Price $ East 381 $335,214 -1% West 686 $390,688 -1% Central 355 $540,991 -1% North 357 $448,065 +1% Total 1,779 $420,315 +1% The average sale price of homes remained the same for the week with an overall increase of 1% in homes sold. The North area had a 1% i
Sequel to the gingerbread men cookies. This recipe is a sugar cookie recipe I wanted to share with you some of the cookies that I have decorated in the past for my friends holiday party. ************************************************************************************* I proudly server buy
At this time of the year I love to bake and decorate cookies. A close friend has a toy drive at her home at the beginning of December. Gifts are dropped into a huge box from a refrigerator as we enter her house. This box is emptied many times throughtout the afternoon. The gifts are given to the
July 23, 2009 Region Area Sales Av. Price $ East 939 $338,510 West 688 $394,467 Central 337 $552,615 North 283 $437,564 Total 1,701 $420,041 The average sale price of homes has risen by $7,151 since September. NOTE: Please note these are preliminary figures. Minor adjustments may be
Date Released: Nov 2, 2009 C a n a d a M o r t g a g e a n d H o u s i n g C o r p o r a t i o n Fourth Quarter 2009 Housing starts: After a slow start in 2009, housing starts will become stronger by the end of 2009 and average 141,900 units. In 2010, starts will i