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Home Value Leads is dedicated to helping agents become more successful through information, education, and of course a great real estate lead generation product.
This article was originally posted on the Home Value Leads blog.Static billboards have always been a hallmark of traditional marketing for real estate. They provide real estate agents additional brand recognition and exposure that complements other marketing vehicles. However, the cost of this me...
This article was originally posted on the Home Value Leads blog.Every field has its allies, and in real estate, its the mortgage professional. Just as real estate agents work hard to help their clients find the homes of their dreams, so, too, do the countless loan officers, processors, underwrite...
This article was originally posted on the Home Value Leads blog.Real estate agents have a lot on their "to do" lists every day, so it only makes sense to employ the help of an assistant or, in many cases, to outsource some responsibilities. We asked a couple leading real estate professionals to s...
This article was originally published on the Home Value Leads blog.Real estate agents are some of the hardest-working professionals out there. The combination of communications, sales, presenting, marketing, management and a grueling scheduling makes it clear it is not for the faint of heart.Howe...
This article was originally published on the Home Value Leads blog.It might go without saying that photos and videos should be a natural part of any real estate professional's marketing portfolio. With Instagram's recent announcement of their new feature Stories, agents will have even more ways t...
This article was originally published on the Home Value Leads blog.My husband and I are currently in the process of finding a house to accommodate our future growing family. The process has been challenging as the market we are in is currently a seller’s market (at least for the types of homes we...
This article was originally published on the Home Value Leads blog.Most real estate agents are born talkers - as they should be! More than most other professions, real estate requires a good amount of time on the phone and in person. If you have a lot to say about the wonderful world of real esta...
This article was originally published on the Home Value Leads blog.The summer has no doubt been a busy one for many real estate agents. With the cooler weather, return to school and “normal life” come September, you can bet that fall will be a great time to host a seminar for your real estate bus...
This article was originally published on the Home Value Leads blog.Many real estate agents are taking full advantage of the benefits that Instagram offers. The popular photo-sharing social platform can beautifully showcase your latest listings, give your followers a behind-the-scenes look into yo...
This article was originally published on the Home Value Leads blog.We are fully convinced that, if you need to take your work base away from your local coffee shop or your kitchen table, then coworking is a great option for you as a real estate agent. Coworking can help you stay focused, get you...

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