Pat Kennedy - Home in the Capital

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Real Estate Agent - RLAH@properties - AB95346
Last week brought some more interesting posts on all things real estate - and a few things other. Here are some that caught my eye:Kat's continuing life journey:  Kat Palmiotti – I just found this one, and it struck a nerve. We never quite retire, do we? Besides, Kat looks way to young to even co...
A couple of weeks ago, I saw a post, Should Your Client Get a Pre-Listing Inspection?  It was well written and posted by “Kukun--240-483-3649 Franklin Carroll”.  It looked a little wee bit too perfect to be written by a blogger who was a real estate professional – more like a service that provide...
The backyard gardeners in my neighborhood are in a bit of an uproar. We've been invaded, not by cicadas, but by dozens of amazingly cute little fur guys who adore what's popping up in our vegetable patches. Even the carnivorous wildlife that drops in from Rock Creek Park don't seem interested in ...
It's another sunny Sunday morning here in our nation's capital, and time for another list of interesting posts I found over the last week. So here goes!Who Ya Gonna Call? Stress Buster: Carol Williams* By Carol Williams Carol gives us all hints about how to present ourselves as a client's Easy Bu...
Last week, these ActiveRain bloggers caught my attention, leaving me entertained, enriched and/or inspired. So here goes: Craig Brown: Beyond the Sign: The 30 Crucial Roles of a Real Estate Agent  If you’ve been wondering how to articulate your value proposition, Craig’s post certainly gave me so...
This morning, I got a bit of a late start, then a bunch of distractions. But hey, at least it's still Sunday, and somewhere it's even Sunday morning. So here goes: Bill Salvatore: So, where were you 54 years ago today?  OK, this one really brought back some memories for me, in my little apartment...
Cleveland Park really has it all. There is a Metro Station, the National Zoo, and lots of interesting neighbors. It's got some wonderful old houses, a few dating back to the 1700's.  Most were built to allow the citizens of Washington to get away from the hot, humid capitol with its heat, humidit...
Georgetown has been awfully chic and trendy since I moved to Washington back in the 1970’s - and long before that, as well. It got its start in 1745 as a tobacco inspection center and since then has become a bustling part of our nation’s capitol, and home to politicians, diplomats and other reall...
It's Sunday morning again! As the week flew by, these posts (for one reason or another) caught my eye:Andrea Bedard: Fair Housing: military status, a new protected class in Maryland  This is a good idea that might have a few unintended consequences.  Many of the comments are as interesting as the...
It's not unusual for clients to sent flowers after a great settlement, but one of my buyers completely outdid herself she downsized from a house in Chevy Chase to a condo in my favorite building in Georgetown.She passed on some iris bulbs that her father had planted in front of her childhood home...

Patricia Kennedy

Home in the Capital
smartphone(202) 549-5167
local_phone(202) 759-7581
Contact The Author
Pat Kennedy -- author of The Irreverent Guide to Real Estate -- gives you a look at life on the streets as a real estate broker in our nation's capital. And her blog is peppered with great advice combined with humor!