Another Great month For Brevard County Real Estate! Here is a powerful and positive little fact: sales for single family residences for Brevard County are up over 22% for July of 2009 verses July of 2008. That is an astounding year over year number. Additionally, new listings are down slightly
The FHA is a great loan as it gives home owners a very low down payment option, allows features that conventional loans do not (a conventional loan is any loan that is not a government loan), and has historically very low interest rates. Currently the FHA will allow a loan amount up to $291,250
According to the Brevard County MLS, 30% of the single family residence sales, year to date, are marked as bank owned properties. I am not sure of the exact amount that are short sales, however, these are also dominating the market. While we may be reaching the bottom of the market, these trans
Simply put: a short sale is when the seller of a property owes more on the property than they are selling it for. So if the sellers owe $200,000 on a house, and they are selling it for $150,000, then they are asking the lien holder to take the loss for the difference or the short. Short sales a