Ha Media's Marketing & Advertising Blog

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HaMedia's real estate marketing and advertising blog, covering Wordpress for real estate, best real estate design and branding practices, social media and much more.
Our Susan Mangigian has been doing Thankful Thursday posts for a while now. I’ve always read them, if only to snag a bit of that much needed optimism that permeates each and every one of them. It’s mostly the little things that make up the things to be thankful for in Susan’s posts. Her sweet cud...
  Everywhere I turn these last few days – there is a pick me up of some kind.  A smiley shiny happy face and a voice full of encouragement urging me to Just Do It, Make A Plan, Start Something, Jump In, Enjoy the Ride, or whatever the vogue de jour happens to be.  And who doesn’t like a happy fac...
Hi all.  This just might be the shortest post I've ever written, but I thought it might be useful for some of you. If you have a FaceBook Business page that you set up a while ago, or paid someone else to do it for you, and you have one or more of those fancy custom FBML tabs on it - go check on ...
[POST UPDATED] This post is inspired by Broker Bryant.  My apologies for the title.  I don’t know if your business is broken or if you perceive it as such, but since you are now reading it, I’ll assume that it could be better. This post is my experiment in keeping things simple for once, as I am ...
It seems one can’t attend a seminar or read a marketing newsletter nowadays without being told that the most important thing you can do is brand yourself, your company or your service offering.  You are told that the only way you’ll make it is to stand out, to be (with apologies to Godin) that p...
I am not generally known for being nice or sweet or any other euphemism for same.  For some reason my rants tend to draw much more of a crowd than anything soft, squishy or plain inoffensive, so whether justly or not, my reputation as a nice person who pays people compliments is somewhat shot.  W...
Much has already been said on the subject of Orlando RainCamp, courtesy TLW’s featured post and Petra’s own (also featured) takeaway, replete with notes, so I won’t bore you with details of the presentation itself.  To start of on a huge positive – hubby and I got to meet some peeps we’ve been in...
I am told to breathe in and out, slowly… To try to picture myself on a deserted island, windswept dunes singing softly under my toes, the waves lapping at the shore – anything at all to take my mind off of the finding a place to live fiasco that’s spread like a disease yet to be named into every ...
via an amazing person in NOLA.  The whole thing will take you a minute, and that's if you are on some ancient dial up.  You won't be spammed either.  So go ahead and sign the petition.  I am as cynical as the next guy or gal but if there is even a minute chance that it can make a difference - it ...
I've been suffering from writer's block of sorts lately.  Just can't drag the muse out of her funk, and no amount of trolling the net for ideas helps to string a few words together for a blog.  Heck, I can't find enough words for my FB Status update.  When I can't write - I read, and I've been re...

Inna Hardison

Wordpress for Real Estate & Design, Print HaMedia Group
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Marketing Services For Real Estate: website design, real estate wordpress sites, facebook business pages and much more. With a dash of humor and life as I see it.

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