After you plant a beautiful garden, you don't want to deal with any invasive plant species. These organisms displace native plants and prevent potential growth, which affects your backyard. Unfortunately, many home improvement stores sell invasive plant species – and buyers aren't aware. That's w...
Throughout my career, I've always embraced handyman tasks at home as well as on the job. Yet I often notice tutorials for DIY projects that don't spend enough time on the importance of construction safety. The truth is, even novice DIY-ers need to learn about personal protective equipment (PPE) a...
While the housing industry has persisted mostly unchanged for decades, innovation has crept in. With extreme weather patterns, an ever-warming global climate and the growing demand for new construction, change was inevitable. New problems require innovative solutions, and advancements in technolo...
When people talk about upgrading their homes or starting renovations, they may mention they want to build a shed or add a garage. People would want to create more space, add a pool or clear out their yards, but there are other renovations available to homeowners.Some of the most important work yo...
Great taste never goes out of style. However, over time, the definition of taste changes — especially when it comes to home building and design. While past trends may have included golden-toned wood cabinets and popcorn ceilings, today's homebuilding trends incorporate eco-friendly design, techno...
Before you turn your basement into a basketball court, think about the potential return on investment. What works for your needs doesn't always translate well when it comes time to sell. Remodels create value based on several factors, so set down that hammer and take a look at the top five renova...
To end my little series on home building concerns, I wanted to end with some information on worksite safety. Even if you're not in the industry yourself, it's always helpful to learn more about the dangers contractors contend with — and how contingency planning and technology can head them off.No...
Last week, I wrote about qualities to look for in a good home builder. This week, I wanted to expand on the topic with a little advice on practicing communication during the process.Whether you're building a home from the ground up or simply adding on to your current one, the ins and outs of cons...
Are you remodeling your current home or designing a new one from the bottom up? If you said yes to either, you're likely wondering how to find an excellent builder. So many options exist, but how do you know what to look for? Fortunately, finding a contractor isn't too different from hiring any o...
Landscaping is a surprisingly diverse market within the home services industry. Plus, it’s one that’s full of opportunity. In 2018, it employed more than 1 billion people and saw annual revenues of $93 billion. If you’re as budding entrepreneur with experience in green services, the time may be r...

James White

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