If you're selling your house in the next year, or think you will be in a few years, it's time to think about curb appeal. Broadly speaking, curb appeal refers to the picture prospective buyers have as they drive up to your home, whether you literally have a curb or not.Most buyers let their finge...
Safe rooms recently gained popularity due to a popular film, but their use is traceable all the way back to ancient Egypt. They were also popular during Prohibition and the Underground Railroad, further highlighting their versatility and usefulness. Modern uses of safe rooms, also known as panic ...
Have you ever noticed that after a big rainstorm, your yard has lots of puddles or flooded areas? Maybe they lead to a constant river running down your driveway for days after the storm ends. Many people find themselves facing the same issue, and it’s not just because there was an abnormal amount...
In the market for a home? As you look at real estate listings, you might see both “townhouses” and “houses” mentioned. What’s the difference?A townhouse is not just a fancy term some listings use. There are specific differences between a townhouse and a house you need to consider when choosing wh...
How prepared are you for potential emergencies in your home? Many people vastly overestimate their preparedness for different situations. Only 40 percent of people planned or practiced an emergency drill separate from a fire drill at school or work in 2015. Before you begin planning an emergency ...
If you’re a soon-to-be homeowner, the thought of having your future home inspected before purchasing it can be scary or stressful. With some inspectors who are more stringent than others, as well as the potential for fraud, it’s important to find a qualified, legitimate professional for the job. ...
Trees, while beautiful and decorative, can become so much more than landscaping. You might be able to remember the tree in front of your childhood house — one you climbed with neighborhood friends and tied a rope swing to as a teen. A tree, planted in the right climate and location, can live and ...
You’ve probably heard it said that the foundation is the most important part of your home. It is the support and layout for the rest of the building process, so the last thing you want to do is have a foundation that isn’t all it should be. A bad foundation can impact a house for the lifetime of ...
Understanding a construction bid may seem intimidating, but you can learn to sift through various bids to choose the best contractor for the job. The bid is an essential part of the process.The bid is not a contract. It is a document that gives you an idea of the how the builder will do the work ...
Storm damage is often unpredictable. Even if weather professionals accurately forecast a storm days in advance, it can be very difficult to comprehensively prepare your home. In the case of a very strong storm, homeowners often evacuate, hoping their home is in decent shape when they return.Storm...

James White

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