Unless you have an impeccable credit score, it is difficult to purchase an investment property using financing. Getting into real estate investment for the first time can be more than challenging, it can be down right impossible. In this article, I take a look at 5 ways to finance a real estate i...
Yes, bad news regarding real estate is all around us. It seems everywhere I turn, radio or TV news, websites, even family gatherings are full of people complaining about the recession and how real estate has taken a HUGE hit. They are right, however it is not ALL bad news. Now is one of the best...
Buying real estate investment property is one of the best ways to invest your money, period. Not only can you borrow the financing required to purchase income property (leveraging debt and inflation), but you can rent it out to tenants in order to pay for your mortgage while ultimately earning th...
One of our recommedned CPA/Lawyers will be live at 11am (PST), 2pm (EST) today to reveal some tax consequences of a short sale or foreclosure. If you, a friend, family member, or business partner has had to settle a credit card debt, modify a loan, complete a short-sale transaction, or go throug...
Think about it... It costs more to buy a single family residential home than it does to plunk down the cash to buy a share of stock or an ounce of gold. This reality of investing leaves many beginner investors wondering whether or not they should find cash partners for real estate when they'r...
We could make this article really short and simply say, "In real estate, there are no guarantees." That's all, folks. Over and out. Laid bare to the essentials, that's what property investors should keep in mind while out combing the hinterlands for the next great deal. But for the marketing comp...
Dear Investment Property Investors, Is it your goal to become engulfed in a nasty lawsuit that threatens to destroy the lucrative real estate portfolio you've diligently creating for years? I doubt it! Funny, it's often the small things that investors trip on, and these two items lead the list of...
While executing your investment property strategy, picking an exact market bottom isn't as critical as you might think. It only has to do with your property making financial sense at the moment you pull the trigger (the day you buy them). While I would never suggest you ignore the reality of loca...
I believe the very survival of our American way of life is at stake. I recently noted a post at elucidating 10 coherent reasons that the "recovery" trumpeted in our faces over the past year and a half has been the very definition of a fraud. Take it away Endtimers. We couldn't hav...
I noticed a recent entry at the You Walk Away blog describing the rising incidence of banks walking away from properties prior to completing the entire foreclosure process. Banks are defaulting as well? Should I be surprised. I can't say that I didn't see this coming. We know that more and more ...