A Northern Virginia Home Inspector's Perspective

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Home Inspector - Jay Markanich Real Estate Inspections, LLC - 3380-000723
Thermal imaging art.Thermal imaging can check a lot of things. It can be a precursor check for electrical issues.  Heating and air conditioning can be evaluated.  Roof and plumbing leaks are a given.  And the best way (the only way inside walls) to see the quality of an insulation installation or...
When any upper level is hot insulation is almost always the reason.And why else wouldn't it be?  It could be that the air conditioning does not reach or blow hard enough into the upper level.  But that air pressure is an easy check.When air is blowing well through a register I have my client feel...
My client asked if there was no insulation in the wall.Often during a home inspection my client follows me around when I do a thermal image sweep to check for insulation issues or roof leaks.  They like looking over my shoulder and listen to my explanation of what they are seeing.Sometimes I show...
In new construction the thermal barrier in the attic should be verified by an attic insulation certificate.This house is supposed to be Energy Star compliant for Virginia standards.  As such there are criteria that are to be met.  For example, windows and doors should have certain U-factors and s...
Can you repair a leak with a handy can of miracle "spray?"Of course you know the answer.You've seen the commercials. They are incessant! A handy can of spray which will repair everything from your pipes, your roof and gutters, a kitchen counter top, and, well, you can seal a window screen so well...
This is the case of FRT plywood that needs further investigation.FRT plywood (Fire Retardant Treated) came into use in the 80s when masonry firewalls between townhouses were replaced with a thick, fire-resistant drywall fire barrier wall.  This material is intended to resist or impede the spread ...
Do you know what a gas lantern mantle is?Gas lanterns, or gas lamps, are popular around here in neighborhoods that are made to look old fashioned.They provide the street lights via little pear-shaped cones called mantles. You can see two mantles in the street lamp in the front yard of this house....
Faux painting at its best.I don't often see faux painting.  And I certainly don't see it done so well!Faux - adjective - imitation, artificial, made to look similar.This kitchen had some very classy wall tiles, placed subway fashion.And this homeowner had someone come in to hide all the receptacl...
'Tis the season for carpenter bee infestation.This may be a problem where you live.  It certainly is here.Carpenter bees!  They are what they sound like - they work on wood.They carve holes and tunnels into wood surfaces, lay eggs, and keep going.They seem to pick out a house, or an area of a hou...
How do I know the radon mitigation system is working?I get that question all the time.Some houses have a radon mitigation system installed, which consists basically of a pipe stuck through the basement floor, connected to a vent fan which runs all the time, and a tube to blow the air outdoors.It'...

Jay Markanich

Home Inspector - servicing all Northern Virginia
local_phone(703) 330-6388
smartphone(703) 585-7560
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An experienced home inspector's look at current home inspection events and conditions along with his useful recommendations.