One of the most important blogs from Alexandra and Ron concerning Brand Integrity. Highly recommended In our luxury real estate branding strategy and marketing practice, we work with real estate companies and individuals to identify their brand. In order to create a brand, we work with our clie
For a moment: think how YOU would like to be approached, marketed to, communicated with, undergo a level of service and expertise, be engaged with every step of the process, experience follow-up, end the relationship.By imagining how others might wish and hope to find someone who fulfills their e
I tried to run an ad in a high-end Florida metro area offering:Architectural Servicesto the top 10% of income earnerswho liked golf, jewelry purchases, and international travel. This didn't work. I tried three more times altering my target market with different attributes. Nope.Apparently, FB w
Orlando just recorded a 48.6% increase in building permits!!Not only has the Orlando region grown by 20 percent in population, it is rated top for job growth in four consecutive years, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. There are infrastructure projects underway worth $10 billion and
SPOILER ALERT: Do not read further if you wish to see this new movie opening tonight.++++++++++++I love watching good movies. Movies are successful with their audiences for several reasons depending on the genre, plot, acting, cinematography, makeup, and special effects. But you cannot release
The referral that comes from satisfied homeowners may be the best method to keep word of mouth positive reviews going in your favor. The postcard I received from this elated family, announcing their open house event after just moving in, exemplifies the attitude that means more than remuneration
there are consumers who do not know the real estate business, how architects work, how to deal with attorneys, why to get your house staged, the importance of branding, a good wine, and who to contact for wart removal...soyou ask your friends and associates FIRST if a local professional is needed
According to the National Association of Realtors - "82 percent of homes purchased between July 2017 and June 2018 were single-family homes with three bedrooms, two bathrooms, sized at about 1,900 square feet, with a median sold price of $250,000". This is the NAR's model house for 2019. Inter
1. THE POWER OF A SIGNSo I'm sitting at my French pastry spot with my breakfast buddies the other day. A huge truck comes by and there is an enormous sign on its side touting a new adult alcoholic beverage... A guy in a bomber jacket, unshaven, holding up a shot of something. The name: Aviati
I am recycling my original post to show how musical groups became famous in the 60s and what important takeaways we can glean! Before the www: what did a poor boy have, in sleepy London town, to keep his name in front of fans, and shake the old town down?!Why...the Stones, Bob Dylan, et al... had