Some more great advice and tips from Jay the Home Inspector....We home inspectors have lots of message boards and ways to communicate with each other. And we do! We send around photos and report verbiage and ask advice of each other all the time. Another thing we do is pass around photos of sch
Celebrate the Fourth of July in East Brookfield, MA -- Independence DAY!! July 10, 2010- Rain Date July 11, 2010... East Brookfield, MA has developed a schedule of events some include the following for details of other events going on: East Brookfield, MA July Fourth Celebration Schedule!! Starti
Get outside and take a look at you electrical meter...Walking around the house with my client I noticed that the conduit which houses and protects the service conductors to the house had pulled away from under the meter. Without a slip joint, as soil settles, so, sometimes, can the conduit. The p
Celebrate Sunday, July 4, 2010 at Old Sturbridge Village, Sturbridge, MA 01566... Don't forget Feast and Fire on Saturday, July 3, 2010-Sturbridge Common:More InformationJuly 4, 2010, Sunday, at Old Sturbridge Village 9:30am to 5:00pmLocated at 1 Old Sturbridge Village Road, Sturbridge, MA 01566
Family Fun Day and Fireworks at the Spencer Fairgrounds to celebrate the Fourth of July!!! Spencer, MA 01562 Independence DAY!! July 3, 2010; 12-10:30pm It is FREE, but donations are being accepted at the GATE A fun filled day with your family!! Sounds good doesn't it... Well look no further than
Another great way to celebrate 4th of July--the Annual Boat Parade at South Pond (Quacumquasit Pond) sponsored by the Lake Association... Quaboag Quacumquasit Lake Association (QQLA) will hold their annual Boat Parade on Sunday, July 4, 2010. Rain date July 11, 2010. Join QQLA at the South Pond B
This is something I have never seen!!! But interesting to know...This was the only townhouse in the development that had an extension on all three floors. This extenson really makes the house. It adds three great rooms, all 12x14'. And it makes the house appear big because it is so deep and th
A Great Venue to celebrate the Fourth of July!!! Auburn, MA 01501 Independence DAY!! July 3, 2010- Auburn Department of Recreation and Culture has developed the following schedule of events: Starting at 9:00 am Family Road race held at Lemansky Park (2 miles) 10:00 am Bike Race for the family NOO
The Official WORD came on Friday, the water testing sample that was taken came back A-OK!! We can be swimming at South Pond without any issues....According to the town committee, there will be weekly testing of the water to make sure the results are satisfactory!! This picture is from last week
Feast and Fire Grand Picnic at the Town Common in Sturbridge, MA on July 3, 2010 from 2-10pm! Presented by the REAS Foundation and the Merchants of Sturbridge. Do you need to buy tickets for this event?-- Buy Tickets and Get More Information This will be an old fashioned Independence Day Celebrat