Another great opportunity.... WIN TICKETS TO THE NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS IF you are not "friends" with RE/MAX of New England So Login and BECOME FRIENDS ON WITH RE/MAX OF NEW ENGLAND ON FACEBOOK Every Week through September 30, 2010, RE/MAX of New England will be conducting Video Challenges to WIN P
Contest began August 1, 2010...RE/MAX of New England will give up to $500,000 to a lucky winner towards a NEW HOME!!! IF the NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS exceed 75 TOUCHDOWNS....During the 2010/2011 Regular Season.... Check out this video.... To Enter this Contest and find out the Entry Criteria...VISIT
Charlton MA Labor Day Celebration! 114th Annual Old Home Day 2010 The Soap Box Race will be held Labor Day morning at 7:30am on Muggett Hill Road. Activities will include the Craft Fair, Flower Show, Frog Jumping Contest, Entertainment, (Dan Clark), Booths on the Common, the Parade, (Decorate yo
Yesterday one of my Facebook friends wrote about a movie called "Letters to God"....AND today when the kids and I went to the "Red Box"...Guess what popped up---YOU GUESSED RIGHT... Letters to God is about Hope, Faith and Love! What a truly wonderful story about a boy with Brain Cancer, his fami
Quality time spent with the family at the Spencer Fair!! Besides the Carnival Rides and Games, there's much more to enjoy!! Our Family Event is the Demolition Derby -- Good Fun!!! The excitement of the Fire Truck hosing the dirt with water, all the security and firemen at the arena.....
The family and I spent the day at the Spencer Fair --- One of the fun things to do is to look at all the animals. We saw chickens (hatching too, check out the picture), cows (baby and adult), rabbits, geese, birds, and much more.... It is such a great opportunity to view these babies...remin
It is that time of year again!!! My kids are excited for the Labor Day Weekend Spencer Fair, Family Fun at Central Massachusetts' Largest Fair!! Friday offers Carnival Rides from 12-4 for one price, Animals, Tractor Pulls (kids and adults), Contests, Magic Shows, and MUCH MORE... find the Schedul
I have been blogging lately about school related issues and tonight---well I am at it again....!!! The summer has left me with awesome memories of fun with my husband and children--But there was no schedule REALLY...I thought there was at times but FUN almost always out weighed working.... So tom
As the children of the Brookfield Elementary School gear up to head back to school this week....There will be something NEW for them to play on.....You Guessed it a NEW Playground!!! According to the school newsletter- Thank you to: The Brookfield Board of Selectman The Brookfield School Committe
What a wonderful summer vacation I had with my family!!! The weather was fantastic almost everyday!!! There were many trips to the beach AND riding on the boat... A part of me is excited for the new school year and the other part of me really likes WARM weather!!! The kids are definitely ready t