
  Ever wonder what is on the mind of the person in-front of you that is going 10 under the speed limit or waits for the light to turn amber before they move. Do you ever want to express your feelings toward another driver's ability. You know roll down the window an say something or blow your horn...
..start practicing the new name a community worker will soon be in your town to organize. Get the older people into the new medical insurance program..over 65 no insurance..55 to 65 limited insurance...26 to 55 income deduction 0 to 26 on your parents insurance deduction. Soon to co...
03/23/2010 the last remnant's of winter leaves and the early Spring begins. The buyer's are out in droves to kick the tires of that home they have followed thorough the winter. The seller's that are retiring or in need of a larger home are on the hunt. ..and as the song goes where have all the lenders ...
03/23/2010 is that time of year to dust off the shorts,boat shoes,gardening tools,golf book for that gear..etc. ..breakout the Spring Note-pads to an send notes to buyers,sellers & friends of friends... We are having a heat wave it is for the first time in a long while...

Bill Lauler

Associate Broker,CIPS,CRB,SRES,GRI
smartphone(703) 283-2836
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