Website Linking Strategies- Are your efforts paying off? I wrote the other day How to Get Your Website to the First Page of Google which received an awesome response from many. One of the main points I discussed in that article was the importance of linking in your blog posts. I explained how thi
The concept of getting your website to the first page of Google seems like an almost impossible task to many. People spend months writing more and more content for their site, getting backlinks, and editing things without ever getting your website to the first page of Google. You feel defeated
This class is going to be jam packed with many of the different social media networks that Jason and myself use in our daily business routines. Not only will we share which ones we use, but also show you how to optimize your efforts on each. On Monday, February 15th at 1pm Eastern time (noon
Wow, the first few weeks have been awesome! Here is an update from Jason.I recently started a consulting business with my friend Jeremy Blanton to serve as a resource for those who want to learn more about using social media tools, and how to use them to bring in more tangible business. So far,
Join Us This Thursday For Agents Helping Haiti, a Telethon to help families devastated by the recent earthquake in Haiti. This 6 hour telethon will feature 30 minute segments with some of the most well known people in the real estate industry. Come listen as they share some of their tools and
If you haven't heard by now, we are in 2010, (twenty-ten, two thousand ten, or my favorite, oh-ten) and as this new decade begins I see this year becoming more of a shift in the way consumers gain the information they need as well as how other consumers share their experiences with others. I rea
One of the questions I ask people every time I begin a conversation with them about social media is Why did you sign up for these networks? 9 out of 10 times the response I receive is: To make money of course! But, unfortunately with the ever changing amount of networks and new networks being b
As many of you have already heard, Jason Crouch and I recently teamed up to start a new venture called 210 Consulting. I am really excited to team up with Jason as social media advisors to share our knowledge with people from around the world. In case you missed our big announcement, we are hol
Jason & I are really excited about this upcoming class. To give you an idea of how powerful your blog can be, I received a google alert within 8 minutes of Jason writing the post. My blog right now is averaging right around 2,000 views per post. Also, if you were wondering how important it is
I just finished listening to a wonderful session at #VREBC by my good friend Jeff Turner in which he spoke about "The Lost Art of Listening." I wanted to share with you my takeaway from his session. The one thing that I got out of Jeff's presentation was that while many want to use social media p