Myrtle Beach Homes | Carolina Forest Real Estate News & More

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Real Estate Agent - Myrtle Beach Homes Blog
I'm a full time Myrtle Beach real estate agent that focuses on Myrtle Beach homes and Carolina Forest real estate. I'm happily married to the most amazing wife in the world Katherine, and we have three amazing children that are our built in entertainment system. If you want to search for homes for sale in Myrtle Beach, check out In addition, you will find content here about online consulting tips and information on how to use various social media platforms to increase your business. Also sharing tips on how to get your own custom WordPress Site. For more on that, visit
Today was a rather exciting day as I heard about Ustream releasing a new Mobile iPhone App for the iPhone & the Droid.  So what is this new Ustream Mobile app, & what is mobile streaming?  Well, Mobile streaming is the ability to do a live video feed straight from your mobile phone.  This is huge...
One of the most common questions that I keep getting asked over & over is by many of our members here on ActiveRain is "How do I get those I work with & my friends to try out ActiveRain.  They just don't understand it and how to use it for business."  I also get asked by many of our members to te...
In case you weren't aware, yesterday ActiveRain held their second annual Raincamp in San Francisco, California.  Now, if you were like me, you were stuck in your office all day seeing others brag about how awesome the day was and thinking to yourself how you wished you could be there to participa...
Technology is constantly changing the way businesses act and conduct business daily.  How willing are you to adapt to the changes as they come along and incorporate them into your business plan?  If you are not, you may want to re-think before your all your business has been captured by your comp...
Normally, I have my Blogging Basics 101 Webinar on Mondays at 1PM for just our new members.  But, I decided today that I would offer a special treat & open the class up to everyone on the network who wants to join.  So, come join me in about 15 minutes for my class.  It will be approximately 90 m...
Each time I teach a webinar class, one of the things we spend a good amount of time covering is how to claim the domain name for your outside blog.  When you become a Rainmaker, a custom domain URL is part of your benefit.  You do not need to go to and purchase a domain name. So, I de...
So in case anyone was wondering, where in the world have I been?  Well, the past 7 days have been nothing short of a whirlwind!  Last Friday I awoke at 4:30 in the morning for a last minute decision to head to REBar Camp Raleigh-Durham aka #REBCRDU.  I drove the quick 3 & a half hour drive and wa...
Last evening I read a really interesting article over on HubSpot about the differences between businesses who blog and those who do not.  Did you know that companies who blog receive 55% more traffic than one who does not?  Over the past few weeks I have helped many of our members figure out how ...
As I have shared over the past few weeks, I have been extremely busy with Webinars for our new members teaching them how to write posts effectively for search engines & also to be appealing to consumers.  In the classes I share how to write posts to rank well in the search engines as well as mak...
As a staff member here at ActiveRain, I probably read anywhere from 100-200 posts a day.  Well, not really read the entire post, but I look through at least that many daily.  One of the things that baffles me daily are the titles of posts.  Have you ever seen some posts with titles like these? Ju...

Jeremy Blanton

Myrtle Beach REALTOR®-
smartphone(843) 222-9402
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