First time I've used this picture, at the insistance of my granddaughter. May not use it again. She did put my glasses on and fix my hair for me. Thanks Lexie. When I did this inspection - the first time - I noted the information from the outside AC unit and actually checked wiring and coi
If your wondering why this is 2.5 and not 3, well, it means my bid wasn't accepted. I was all ready to write the third in this series and all of a sudden my realtor says they want my highest and best offer. To anyone that has been through this type of transaction, that means they have another of
In keeping with the way I normally look for homes to rehab, this morning I went cruising neighborhoods where several homes were listed. This is the first step and several factors come into play in the choice of the property. 1. Is the neighborhood viable. This means that, although depres
What is the first thing that pops into your mind? Well, no, I'm not getting married. I'm looking for houses or small apartment buildings to rehab. I passed up this bueaty, even though it presented the kind of challenge that I love. I decided to spend a little more ($) and try to get one that is
I guess you can just throw that pink stuff anywhere. Do you have batting in the attic? Have you ever looked at it? In the next few pictures I'll show you a house that has batting and it is just thrown in the attic. I've seen some sloppy installations, but this one really takes the cake
So it is 50 years since the official involvement of the U.S. in the Vietnam War. How many of you know that the US first had troops in Nam in 1961. Surprised, I was. That means that the this coming December 11th (2011) will be the 50th anniversary. As a Vietnam era Vet. this year holds a
James hit the nail on the head with this one, You'll end up paying for neglect one way or the other. I try to tell all my customers that even an hour a week will make a difference.In a recent post of mine, I discussed my classification of homeowner maintenance. One category is homeowner's who
I am constantly amazed by the thinking of some homeowners. Inspected this home Sunday and couldn't help be surprized to find what was called the 1/4 bath in the basement. In all my many years I had never heard of anyone advertising a 1/4 bath. Maybe I am just sheltered and there are thousands
I do, litterally everywhere. It is a practice that I began, what seems like, eons ago. I put it under the tip at restaurants, on the counter at stores, at the doctors office, at the barber shop, and well, you get the idea. This practice has netted me a number of clients and a few irate phone cal
I recently enlisted the help of a couple of my customers to rearrange and reorganize my reports. My goal is to make the report user friendly. Who says you can't teach an old Dog new tricks. So far the organization part is similar to the following: 1. Cover sheet - includes client info, a