Eariler today I showed a house that was just listed today. The buyers liked it and they decided to place an offer. Since they had been outbid on several occasions they wanted to put in an offer that would be accepted right away. We decided to write one up for $100 over asking price, cash, no c
Ok, maybe they aren't important questions and have nothing to do with real estate, but they sure are interesting... Can you cry under water? How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered? Why do you have to 'put your two cents in'... bu
There are a lot of people out there that think its crazy to pay $1,500 - $2,000 extra for a new car that has a factory navigation system. I am one of them but I did it anyways. I gotta tell you it was one of the best decisions I ever made. Not only because it cleaned up my car from all of thos
After having too many deals fall apart, I had to put together this list to show to clients. I have had a deal fall apart or almost fall apart for all of these reasons. •1. Pay all of your bills on time. A late payment can result in a lower credit rating, lowering your chances of being ap
Not that I know what a nanny-cam looks like nor do I look for recording devices, but I always tell my clients not to say particular things about a house while they are still in the house. It sure ruins your negotiation power when the seller knows what your bottom line is right away. Do other
I have been thinking about trading in my regular eKEY for the eKEY program to put on my TREO phone but I don't want to get stranded at a house with an old lockbox. I spoke to my local board (Greater Waterbury Board) and they said most people haven't upgraded yet. Does anyone who switched have