A newly published book by Vince Elliott, BS, MHS, describes how facilities can now be cleaned thoroughly, hygienically, at less cost, and with greater work productivity without the use of chemical cleaning agents.New Book Advocates Chemical-Free CleaningThe book, Extreme Green Cleaning, was intro
From Forensic Applications, Inc. via Facebook It is unlikely that there is any mould testing gimmick more useless than a “settling plate.” A settling plate is simply a Petri dish. The Petri dish is opened and placed on a counter or in a room and left exposed for a predetermined amount of time. T
Post on Wall Sampling from Forensic Applications, Inc. via FacebookNowhere except in the “toxic mould industry” have so many Industrial Hygiene tools and techniques been perverted and abused. And amongst the most abused are the “size selective samplers” which have been commandeered by “certified
I have reviewed far too many reports that site an interstitial/wall cavity sample as the reason that a building or home requires extensive if not complete remediation. The cases brought to me have increase recently at an alarming rate. Some of these samples have been collected on homes and buildi
The show will return January 7 with a review of the landscape for federal, state and local regulatory activity. The guest will be Doug Farquhar of the National Conference of State Legislators. Mr. Farquhar and the National Center specialize in assisting government and others determine what type o
New York's task force on mold has submitted its final report to the Governor and Legislature. It found that evidence does not exist supporting clear distinctions between a category of "toxic mold" species versus other "non-toxic" mold species or between "toxic mold" health effects and health effe
Published: Thursday, December 02, 2010, 3:00 PM Updated: Thursday, December 02, 2010, 5:27 PM By The Associated Press A federal judge says a pilot program to fix homes with tainted drywall made by a major Chinese manufacturer is progressing well. Scott Threlkeld, The Times-PicayuneJim Lacroix sho
Published: Friday, December 17, 2010, 6:23 PM Updated: Friday, December 17, 2010, 6:25 PM By Rebecca Mowbray, The Times-Picayune In a blow to owners of homes with corrosive drywall from China, U.S. District Court Judge Eldon Fallon ruled Friday that insurance policies don't cover damage to homes
By Madison Park, CNNT CNN) -- The Badger family holidays are filled with medical catastrophes. One year, Melissa Badger's niece stopped breathing at the Thanksgiving table because of a strep infection. In 2003, Badger's son came down with a severe fever and ended up in the emergency room on Chris
Fires and injuries associated with holiday decorating are no strangers to Hoosiers. On average, 2,000 home structure fires occur during the months of December and January.Many are caused by holiday lights, Christmas trees and unattended candles, along with improperly maintained alternative heatin