Florida Indoor Air Quality Solutions, IAQS

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www.Microshield-es.com www.microshield-es.com/moldinspectiontesting.html http://www.orlandomoldinspection.us/ www.FloridaIAQ.com www.CFL-IAQ.com
In a perfect world you could trust everyone, but it's not a perfect world. Like every industry, the mold business has its share of scammers and con men seeking to profit from your lack of knowledge about mold. Here are the top 8 mold scams and tips on how to avoid them. Mold Scam # 1: Mold Inspec...
EPA‘s RRP Rule requires anyone (remodeling, renovation and painting contractors and most other trades) who works in pre-1978 housing for compensation and who might disturb painted surfaces to become an EPA Certified Renovator by taking a “Lead Safe Work Practices” RRP class from an EPA accredited...
I should start by saying that I really do love a houseplant and there was a time when my home resembled a jungle.  I also noticed that it was increasingly difficult to maintain so many houseplants properly.  As time went on the number of houseplants was reduced slowly but surely as attrition took...
With the rapid increase in the “Green” movement and the push for more energy efficient homes spray polyurethane foam SPF insulation is growing substantially.  As with most new building products the industry has had its own set of unique challenges that include the recognized need for training and...
I raise this question because once again I’ve been called in to provide a peer review of a mold remediator that is advertising and providing assessment and remediation on the same job.  Oddly the remediator who is not licensed as a mold assessor states on his website “With the Florida Mold Law in...
It seems that there remains some confusion on just who is required to have a mold license as well as just what direct supervision is.  Let’s tackle the first question as to who is required to have a mold license.  Simply stated: Anyone who performs mold assessments or mold remediation must either...
This question just can’t seem to be answered by those that want to preform mold inspections or mold remediation and are on the hunt for a licensing loop hole. So who in the State of Florida is required a have license to preform Mold Assessments and/or Mold Remediation. The answer is simple. Anyon...
Jodi Scott, Public Relations 678-539-1216, jscott@ashrae.org ATLANTA – The newly published 2013 version of ASHRAE’s residential indoor air quality standard removes the default leakage rate assumption and also requires carbon monoxide alarms. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2013, Ventilation and Accepta...
HB 517 was approved by Governor Rick Scott on April 6, 2012 and reduces the continuing education required to activate an inactive license. You now only have to complete one renewal cycle of continuing education instead of completing continuing education for all the renewal cycles your license was...
Reviewed by Robert Falk, MD http://webctor.com/articles/control_the_allergens_in_your_home,158,1.html Allergy sufferers, to ensure as little suffering as possible, must make certain that their home is as free of allergens as they can make it. Stop external allergens from entering and clean all of...

John Lapotaire, CIEC

Indoor Air Quality Solutions, IAQS
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