If you live in Blaine you know that Radisson Road has been closed most of the year. Although construction is just about finished, this makes it a little tough getting around. Well my latest home for sale in Quail Creek requires you to figure out the detour. For now you can access the home from th
I am currently working with a non-profit organization that is renovating homes for low income buyers. These homes are completely refurbished and in a like new condition when they come to the market. To qualify you must be owner occupied and below 50% of the area median income depeding on househol
After winning there last 4 games of the season by shutout, thanks to suberb goalie Emily Kirby, they moved on to sections againts Minneapolis Edison. The game was played at Columbia Heights High School, my wife's alma matter, so she was excited to go back. Our girls dominated the game from start
After a tough loss to top ranked Rogers, our girls played the last conference game of the year against Maranatha at Noble Sports Complex in Brooklyn Park. We were the better team throughout the game but putting the ball in the net was very elusive. We had 4-5 balls scamper across the goal never f