Single Family Unit SalesNumber of BedroomsCondominium Unit SalesNumber of BedroomsActive ListingsSales PendingPrice Class 2 or less34 or moreTotal2 or less34 or moreTotalSingle FamilyCondosSingle FamilyCondos$0-$99,999.99 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 $100,000-$149,999.99 2 2 3 3 11 5 2 3$150,000-$199,9
New Listings Active Listings Sold Listings Months InventoryOct/2007438 2,298 158 14.54Sep/2007363 2,355 144 16.35Aug/2007408 2,378 239 9.95Jul/2007477 2,318 260 8.92Jun/2007517 2,283 275 8.30May/2007524 2,203 278 7.92Apr/2007536 2,112 194 10.89Mar/2007548 1,942 206 9.43Feb/2007391 1,815 167 10.8
Voted one of the Top 5 Best places to retire by Money Magazine, ( although I am no where near retirement age)Good neighbor passes to Colonial Williamsburg, Grand Illumination at Christmas, Great Wolf Lodge, Farmers Market on Duke on Gloucester Street, Kimball Theater, Williamsburg/ James City Cou
I have listed the number of homes currently listed for sale in the following communities as well as the current price ranges . These figures are as of October 2007. If you would like sales statistics for any neighbor hood in Hampton Roads to include Williamsburg, James City County, York County
We have fielded many calls over the past few weeks from clients, friends and associates curious about what's going on in the real estate market. So, I thought I would take a moment and share my insights here.Real estate is a very "local" phenomenon. Unfortunately, the news media generally is not.
In a market with so much inventory (absorption rates on the Virginia Peninsula are currently at 6.3 months), how does a seller differentiate their listing from everyone else's? I recommend that sellers think of their property as a product; just like a product on the shelf in the grocery store. Bu
Very, very few people are qualified to sell their home without the help of a real estate professional. And, unfortunately, many people who believe they are saving money... aren't. In fact, they may be surprised at just how much it's costing them to go it alone. Here are some of the reasons that
For the vast majority of sellers the basic rules apply and are fairly straightforward: if a seller makes a profit on the sale of their home and they have lived there at least two years in the past five, they will be able to exclude much if not all of their capital gain ($250,000 individual; $500
In 1984, interest rates were 14%, and the market was much different than it is today. I've attached a chart ( courtesy of Mortgage that displays rates over the past 37 years, because it really helps to put our current market into perspective. I'd also like to share some insights that we
FOR For Sale In Williamsburg, Newport News, Hampton, VA Beach, Norfolk, Chesapeake, Suffolk and surrounding Hampton Roads VA Communities, FORECLOSURES AND BANK OWNED PROPERTIES. REO LISTINGS.Foreclosed homes for sale offer an opportunity for a home buyer to buy a home that is discounted in price