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Real Estate Agent - Northwood Realty Services
    Once again ...Pittsburgh voted one of the 10 most livable cities.  We western Pennsylvanians boast our loyalty and love for our Pittsburgh's sports teams... The terrible towels waive across the world during football season.....  the excitement from the Penguins Hockey fans, again unmatched .....
I cannot imaging anyone looking at the sky and denying God. — Abraham Lincoln. .. .God  knows exactly where you are...try not to blink...try hold your breath for any period of time ...yes He knows every hair on your head..every breath you take & every blink of the eyes....He knows...He allows.......
A bumper sticker...a  shirt ..is not enough.   How can we support our returning military? No doubt as we celebrated the Holidays our hearts & thoughts often included our servicemen and women who spent their holiday away from loved ones and friends. It will soon be the long awaited time for our he...
My grandson celebrated his third birthday on the 23 of December.  He was in  awe as he waited to blow out the candles on his birthday cake. He waited with anticipation as he was serenaded by a 22 voice blasting out the " Happy Birthday  song.  His big moment was here.  The first year he needed no...
Social Media....How many of us have replaced our morning newspaper with checking the New Feed of our Face Book Page? My space states that in it's survey 40 % of the people would go through root canal than give up their Face Book page.  Yes... it has become part of us, even as an app on our I phon...
 I the only one that grits my teeth  when I hear  R E reports on the news. It sends me into a fury that I scream into the TV.....".Thanks for tying our hands behind our backs & adding to the chaos " Realtors know  where the market is in our part of the country. This generic reporting adds to cons...
A  friend posted a  commented on the media  coverage of Osama bin Laden's death.  He said  " my concern is the world seeing the rejoicing and jubilation  in the streets over the American Victory of Osama bin Laden's death." I agree  with my friend. The media.... aren't they   the eyes of how peop...
Ever  miss doing something you love to do? Face Book and it's instant gratification has slowly led me astray.  I have a love for blogging and active rain...but..life's quirks has interupted want to dos and put me on a path of have to get this done first. The result...I turn to FB just for a quick...
 We  leisurely walked along a 3 mile trail along the banks of Spring Creek called " Fisherman's Paradise "  in Centre County,  State College, Pa.   What a delightful find on a glorious fall day. Only the ripple sounds of the creek break the silence of the oldest and famous fly fishing catch and r...
It is a tough time for sellers.  Their homes seem to sit on the market forever.  The market value has fallen across the country and if there is a buyer for their home often they  can't qualify for a loan. We  as Realtors feel their pain...well most do. Please agents.. to those who don't........I ...

June Lewis

Realtor Northwood Realty - New Castle,Pa Lawrence Co 7247304571
local_phone72(465) 866-4516
smartphone(724) 730-4571
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