There are many times throughout the year when folks feel it might be just the right time to move. Perhaps right after the Holidays, perhaps then the leaves begin to fall and it looks like an early Winter. There are many times when it feels like it's time. One of those times, I have seen in the
Broker's Open House Where: 37365 Cherrybank Drive, Solon, Ohio 44139 When: June 29, 2010 Time: 12 - 2 pm Lunch will be served! This is a beautiful home in the Signature of Solon. The price has just been reduced from $849,000 to $819,000, a must see. My name is Roger Mucci, of Shaken... with a T
If you, or one of your Realtor friends, have one of those $8,000 Federal Tax Credit sales in the pipeline, and are hoping that it closes by June 30th... ya better light several candles, and get out your rosary beads... NOW. Right now, the program deadline for getting those sales closed and funde
I love cherry pie. I mean, I rrrreally love cherry pie. I could probably eat cherry pie for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And maybe a late-night snack, as well. I can remember when I was little... whenever Mom was making some sort of dessert... I would do whatever I could to get her to make a c
Every year since I have been on Active Rain, I have shared something about my Dad with my friends here. Today is Father's Day. I so wish I could spend it with my Dad... and wish him Happy Father's Day. Dad has been gone for 22 years now. I miss him so. Here is one of my favourite stories abou
Once again... it is late at night. This time... it's a Tuesday night, Wednesday morning. Since I really don't have anywhere else I need to be right now... this is where you can probably find me. At my blogging desk. Why am I up so late... blogging ? Well... you see... I have this kitty. Her
This is Mollie T. About a week ago, My Mother, Karen Anne Stone , wrote a post about me. I'm "the baby," I'm the kitty cat... Mollie T. The post she wrote was titled Let Sleeping Cats Lie... If You Know What's Good For You... . If you saw that post... you know how hard I was trying to thaw
Sometimes those who search for happiness... travel all over the globe in to find it. Perhaps happiness may not be found by "seeing new places" but by seeing "with different eyes. Take this flower, for example. Is it a pretty blue flower ? When seen in this light, it sure seems to be. Perhaps,
There are so many times... in daily life, in real estate... or in other areas of our lives... that the time comes when we finally just have to grab the old "bull by the horns." Let's see. What else can we call it ? Do the right thing ? Take command ? Shove it out on the lake and see if it fl
To say I like to keep it cold in my apartment... would be something of an understatement. Just ask Mollie T. Miss Mollie, you see, prefers it to be more than a tad warmer than I do. But... since I pay the TXU electric bill... I control the thermometer. I have, however... come home unannounced