BRAVO TV Called me (of all people) - they're doing a story about Haunted Houses in CONNECTICUT.   The house from Amityville Horror is for sale and they're doing a show about it.  They want to know if there are any similarly noteworthy homes in Connecticut that are for sale.  I thought at first th...
This is a picture of my nephew Ryan's beautiful daughters, Kaylie and Jozie.   In an earlier post I honored Ryan thanking him for his military service.  Check it out here and help us spread the word about Red Friday.  As I was looking through photos I found this one and thought I'd use it to spre...
On Day 10 of my Holiday Season Be Thankful Challenge I express my gratitude for my sweet nephew Ryan and his safe return home after having served in Iraq a few years ago.  Here he is with his beautiful baby girls ..... (go here to check out another cute photo of the girls with Santa) Ryan to you ...
Here's my son Tim. He just opened a Savings Account at TD Bank on Main Street in Southington CT. He chose to open account here because they give kids $10 when they read 10 books during the summer. He's a pretty smart guy who knows easy money when he sees it!  He got this silly elf hat as a free g...
CLEAN OUT YOUR BOOK SHELVES AND DROP OFF BOOKS!   Southington High School PTO will be holding a BOOK DRIVE.  New and used fiction and non-fiction books are needed.  They will also be taking donations of gift cards so that books can be purchased for the Southington High School Library.  Saturday, ...
If you know anyone who has a Ford Windstar minivan 1998-2003, please tell them to STOP driving it!  I recieved the following message from someone I trust (so therefore I believe it to be true) and thought I'd pass it along .... "If you know anyone who has a Ford Windstar minivan 1998-2003, please...
Attention Real Estate Professionals - has anyone asked you lately WHY you stay in this crazy business?  Why you would stay in real estate during such a difficult market?  When times are soooo bad?  When it's sooooo hard?  I'm guessing the reason is plain and simple.  Please correct me if I'm wron...
Let the bidding begin! The Lutheran Social Services of New England On-Line AUCTION FOR ADOPTION is NOW Open!  This very special on-line auction will go on unitl December 5, 2010.  Proceeds will benefit the Lutheran Social Services of New England in order to support the Post Adoption Resource Cent...
Here are a few "Sustainability Tips" to reduce your Thanksgiving WASTE.... Reduce your paper waste: avoid using paper plates and foods with a lot of packaging. Store your leftovers in RE-USABLE containers instead of foil or plastic bags. Recycle or re-use bottles, containers and cans. If you get ...
On Day 5 of my Holiday Season Be Thankful Challenge and I'd like to express my gratitude for the wisdom of Ralph Waldo Emerson.  I find his words so inspiring!  For example ....   "To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreci...

Karen Bernetti

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