As job losses rise, growing numbers of American homeowners with once solid credit are falling behind on their mortgages, amplifying a wave of foreclosures. In the latest phase of the nation's real estate disaster, the locus of trouble has shifted from subprime loans - those extended to home buyer...
I am SO on my soap box for this one!!! I can't even begin to tell you all how upset this makes me! As a realtor I know this will flood us with more short sales and REO's which is good for business for those of us who work the distressed property angle. BUT this just shoots the american people...
"A business that makes nothing but money is a poor kind of business." by Henry Ford We as realtors need to be more about helping our clients be they homeowners looking to avoid foreclosure or buyers looking for a good and safe deal. It's time realtors were in it for more than just the money!
Is it Ever a Good Idea to "Walk Away" From a Mortgage? For all too many Americans this isn't even a question - they simply can't come up with their payment this month. But others face a complex tradeoff. Perhaps you can squeak out the monthly payment but have to turn down a better job in another ...
Hello out there. I have clients who are ready, willing and able out here in Riverside and Corona who are short saling their homes, but (yes there is a catch) they would really like to stay in the house as a renter or more possibly under a rent to own/lease purchase option and exercise the purcha...
What are homeowners to do today to save their home and avoid foreclosure? Get a loan modification!!! Yeah! Oops forgot there are conditions, conditions, conditions. And I don't know about your clients but most of mine don't even qualify for a loan modification or if they do, they are too scared...
Ok I have a rant today. Why is it that homeowners who are drowning in finanical and mortgage trouble don't listen to the advice of experts? Experts whose only goal is to help them? Unlike some of my competitors I actually care about my clients and have ONLY their best interests at heart. I am...
Hello, I am having a "mom" momment and feeling excited and sad for my 4 year old who is off to preschool this week! We are very excited for her, I know this is good for her, she needs to get ready for kindergarten but I am sad because I am used to having her with me all the time and this also ...
A bill allowing bankruptcy judges to lower mortgage payments for struggling homeowners was approved Thursday. This gives struggling borrowers a stronger foothold against foreclosure, and gives lenders a better incentive to award loan modifications. Under the new law, bankruptcy judges can writ...
Is President Barack Obama trying to do too many things at the expense offocusing on Job One: the economy?While the world awaits a coherent plan to fix America's banks, the presidentalso is urging a vast overhaul of health care, a plan to tax and thus limittailpipe and smokestack emissions thought...